Bram van Dal's picture

Model: Simone Heijligers

Model: Simone Heijligers
Photographer: Bram van Dal

Website: www.bvdbvphotography.com

Camera settings:
Shutterspeed: 1/2000
Aperture: F / 1.4
Iso: 320
Lens: 85mm

Location: Blok63-S, Strijp-S in Eindhoven.

On a sunny day, where there are few or no clouds, I try to put a model in the shade as much as possible.
With this photo, sunlight enters the restaurant to the right of the model, which I see as the main light and the function to emphasize the profile of the model. Behind me and behind the model there are also two large windows that provide fill light.

To make it easier for a model to use her hands, we used a tea mug here.

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