Bram van Dal's picture

model; Sophie Egberink

model; Sophie Egberink
Photographer: Bram van Dal

Website: <a href="http://Www.bvdbvphotography.com" rel="noreferrer nofollow">Www.bvdbvphotography.com</a>
Insta: <a href="https://www.instagram.com/bvdbv_photography/" rel="noreferrer nofollow">www.instagram.com/bvdbv_photography/</a>

1/500 F/2.0 200 Canon 5DmkIII Sigma 85mm

Also on the Prinseneiland in Amsterdam, it is possible to make optimal use of the environment to make cinematic portraits, where you will see the environment as a backdrop.
At this location, the wooden chairs were a trigger for us to see what the possibilities were. Especially the brown and green color tones in the area, fit nicely with the color tones that I see with Sophie.

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