Frank Ginn's picture

A Scouting Hawk - Santa Barbara

We were on a visit to the Santa Barbara Zoo early this year, when between the Meerkats and the Giraffes, I could hear the shreek of a hawk. It took several of these shrill blasts to locate him in the large tree with a great vantage point of the surrounding area. I went back up the path to try and get a better vantage point myself and was able to get this image, amongst a few others, before he flew away. I'm not sure if he was scoping out the Meerkats or other small rodents and rabbits that roam the grassy area just across the paved path.
If anyone can identify this type of hawk from this image, please comment below. I'm thinking it was a Red-tailed Hawk.

Nikon D500
500mm · f/8 · 1/320 sec. · ISO 500
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