Dennis Jones's picture

Icelandic Churchyard

I wasn't really happy with the original mid-morning shot which was an okay composition but lacked character and impact. I got the idea to turn it into a night scene utilizing a couple of my images of the night sky and full moon.

This I did utilizing DXO PureRaw, Lightroom, Photoshop and Luminar Neo.

You could argue that the moon is too big and consequently fake. But I'll remind those familiar with the days of film that it was not uncommon to have rolls of Chrome, slide film for the uninitiated, in the fridge that were pre-shot with the moon positioned in various places and at a various magnifications ready to double expose a cityscape, bridge, landscape whatever, to make a very sale-able stock shot. It's just so much easier to do these days.

You could also argue that the sky wouldn't look like that either but then isn't it common practice now to combine elements and exposures of a night scene to achieve a comprehensive view, something that would never appear to the naked eye or in a single photograph?

After all, this is art which isn't necessarily reality. The question is as it should be with all good images; does it convey a mood, an emotion? And what is that feeling?

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