Dennis Jones's picture

Surfer's Paradise, The Gold Coast's Jewel.

An hour after sunset.

Shot hand-held from a slowly moving boat at ISO 6400, wide open at f4 and at 24mm which allowed me to shoot at 1/60th on my Sony A7RIII.

I use DXO PureRaw as a pre-processing step on all my images. PureRaw is to me, and I've done extensive testing, the absolute best noise reduction software out there. I confidently shoot up to ISO 12,800 hand-held and come up with very sharp, noise free images.
Not only that but their vast library of lens/camera combinations corrects for distortion, vignetting and perspective as well as sharpening unlike any other software.

Consequently, I hardly travel with a tripod anymore. I just don't see the need for the extra bulk and weight unless shooting long exposure stuff. This high ISO capability has only come about over the past 3-4 years. I wish I'd have had it when I shooting a lot of my corporate work.

Luminar Neo comes in after basic processing in Lightroom. There are so many tools in Neo that aren't found in any other software allowing one to bring out unseen aspects of a photograph and come up with truly unique and impactful images.

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