Paul Kister's picture

Arrowroot Bushes / Black & White Panorama (30” x 15”)

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Hi Paul,
Is 30" x 15" big enough to do it justice?
I'm thinking 60" x 30" would be better for me...although I think I would need a bigger house with lots more wall space! I really like the intricate details in the foothills.

Frank thanks for your comments and continued interest.
I too love a big picture(s) / panos been playing with the method even in the days of film. Why take one image when you can build one from several the “Frankenimage ©”!
Sometimes they seem to be more trouble than they worth, blue screens crashes, and an array of other annoying errors, warnings and messages. Until, as you mentioned, see the details.
One of the landscape photographer first lessons is trying to include too large a vista in one frame.

One of the largest I’ve done is 120” x 19” 305cm x 48.25cm far to large for me to dream of printing myself let alone applying it to a stretch frame, I had a half size print done for a local charity raffle.

Thanks again Peace