Paul Kister's picture

Grandfather (Cheii - Dine/Navajo) / Desert Horned Lizard

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This is wonderful, Paul! I love how you showed the lizard in a way that showcases its natural camouflage. All those earthy browny orangey tones are so gorgeous!

This is actually one of the very bet top-down photos I have ever seen of any of the Horned Lizard species. The rock it is on and the pose with the head turn are both superlative! It is not often to see such good eye contact in a top-down image. Really special stuff. I would LOVE to photograph this species someday!

Tom thank you for your thoughtful comment and deductive analytical interpretation.
Camouflage is their main defense to the point when frightened they will run in short distances, then freeze.

My apology for not adding a description, your description is 99.9% right on except it’s a downward view on a horizontal sense were I was perpendicular to my subject climbing a short outcrop of sandstone.

There is one species in your area, the Pygmy Short-Horned Lizard / Phrynosoma douglasii : https://wdfw.wa.gov/species-habitats/species/phrynosoma-douglasii#desc-r...

I saw one of these in an area not shown on any of the maps, up on the North Kaibab Disrtict Nat’l. Forest, around 9,000’/2743m
Thanks for you comments and interest glad you enjoyed