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Slickrock Sunset / Contours In The Geologic Landscape

Waves of light lap upon an ancient beach now harden to stone of a long forgotten shallow inland sea.

While on a late afternoon hike a friend and I began climbing to get a little more evaluation as full moon approached a mountain ridge over our shoulder ready to disappear from our view. No sooner than reaching a small sandy bench and a couple of images the mountain side we were on lit up.

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Wow! This is stunning geology, captured beautifully. What area is this in?

Thanks for the Wow!, and you’re comment Tom.

Yes both geology and light were stunning that evening, but what’s the saying “You can’t go home, again” or as Heraclitus put it “It’s impossible to step into the same river twice”.

You have probably heard of one of these Mesa Arch, Antelope Canyon, … “The Wave” it’s in that area, but nowhere in there neighborhood, let’s keep it that way ;). All the fore mentioned I have known and been to when if you ran into more than two people it was crowded.