Herbert A. Franke's picture

Berlin District Court II - Littenstraße office

Photographed with: Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra

This listed building of the district court was built in 1901-1906 according to designs by Hermann Dernburg and Ernst Heinrich Petersen as well as Paul Thoemer and Rudolf Mönnich in the style of a Romanesque imperial palace as the second building of the Charlottenburg district court.

Focal Length: 2,20 mm (in 35 mm : 13 mm)

Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra / Rear Wide Camera
2,20 mm (in 35 mm : · f/2,2 · 1/60 sec · ISO 200
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Herbert, wow opulent, they don't build them like that any more

That's certainly true. Thank you very much, Paul, for your kind feedback. Best regards Herbert