An Unusual Way to Use a Beauty Dish

Certain modifiers do tend to have some more traditional methods of use, especially when using a beauty dish. Sometimes we can get hung up on what is the "right" way to use them and lose out on creativity. Here's a different way you can use a beauty dish when shooting indoors. 

Using a beauty dish in a clamshell setup is pretty common, especially for beauty headshots. Sure, there are some other lighting setups you can use a beauty dish for, but here's one many probably don't think of. In this video coming from photographer Miguel Quiles, he shared an unusual way he ended up using the beauty dish for his shots. 

Bounce flash isn't anything new, and many speedlight users might be more familiar with this technique but typically not with a beauty dish. He did use the beauty dish in the traditional clamshell set up in the beginning, so you can compare the differences towards the end of the video so make sure to see and compare the difference for yourself. If you don't have a beauty dish, any cone-type reflector can be used with similar results. 

Which method did you prefer? Personally, I prefer the softer look from the indirect flash method more but I would say it all depends on the vision and the goal. What other modifiers have you used with the bounce method? 

Alex Ventura's picture

Staff writer Alex Ventura is a professional photographer based out of the Houston area that specializes in automotive and glamour with the occasional adventures into other genres. He regularly covers automotive related events for Houston Streets & Spekture with some publications in the United States.

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you invented a giant softbox!

He could have used a reflector or even the barebulb for the same result. No light qualities of the beauty dish or even the v-flat are particularly important to this look.

Feeling the same!

Years (decades?) ago at an NPPA workshop a news videographer from a TV station talked about regular shoots of the state's governor at his desk. The station made some points when he went to the newly-elected governor's desk and replaced the green blotter paper with a white one.

"Beauty Blotter"?

You've got to be kidding us! Are you serious? If so, this is a new low on FS.

I came to the same conclusion: "get paid more when there are more clicks". And I ended up about the same: I scan for the author's name, avoid some, do read some. If FS does not change back to a certain level, I'm afraid I'll lose interest.