Following the aftermath of the tremendously successful Flash Bus Tour with Joe McNally and David Hobby last year, I can only assume that we will now be seeing many of our other favorite photogs going out on tour in the near future. First on the list is Jeremy Cowart. Jeremy has announced a 3 week, 7 stop tour that INCLUDES a copy of his L I F E F I N D E R DVD and a ticket for a friend that needs it most. All this for $179 ... are you hearing this? The workshop is 8 hours long and you get a copy of his DVD too, insane! I just bought my ticket for December 5th in NYC, so all my NYC photog friends out there better start washing my car and buying me lunch, cuz I have a free ticket to give away ;) Check out the full details and buy your ticket at the tour's website.
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I have been following him since he did an interview with Chase Jarvis! I would love to win a ticket for this! But I live in LA not NY :/ wish I could have fit this in my budget.
Love this guy, good artist! I am in Montreal so I could always swing by!!!
See you there!
Bought my ticket last night!!!