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Rob Baggs
London, & Hertfordshire, GB

Articles written by Rob Baggs

Behind the Scenes of a Beautiful Landscape Shoot in Iceland

Watch as one photographer returns to Stokksnes in Iceland to try to better a shot he had taken of the same place some years prior. Iceland truly is one of the most beautiful countries on the planet and this quiet, relaxing video does a great job of showing some of its allure.

Tips for Creating Sharper Images With Any Camera

There is little more frustrating than one of your best shots in any given shoot being slightly blurry. While sometimes it's all but unavoidable, there is often lots you could have done differently to capture the shot without any blurring. In this video, an expert bird photographer discusses how he keeps his images so sharp.

How to Become a Better Filmmaker

There is more demand for video than ever before and by an incredible margin. That demand, in combination with the plethora of new tools and gadgets for creating videos, has led to some of the fundamentals getting lost in the weeds. In this video, one filmmaker discusses how taking things back to basics can benefit your work.

Hands-On With the Fujinon XF R LM WR 33mm f/1.4

There are some great lenses in the Fuji range and this new release looks to further that history. In this video, see behind-the-scenes of a shoot with their latest offering and how it performs for studio portraiture.

How a Photographer Shot This Levitating Model on Location

The levitating portrait is something of a classic and for good reason: it's effective at catching the eye and holding the viewer. In this video, watch a full breakdown, including behind-the-scenes footage, of how the shot was achieved, from start to finish.

The Best Tiny FPV Drones for Filming in Tight Spaces

Drones have improved at a rate of knots in the last decade or so, and now you are able to film usable HD footage with a tiny, agile drone. This has lead to a revolution of creative videography. In this video, one videographer and drone-lover goes through his top picks for this niche type of drone.

How to Pick the Right Wedding Photographer: 7 Tips You Should Know

If you're looking into hiring a wedding photographer, you may not have much experience with the profession. Although you can pick photographers you like, there is more to the story than just that. So, how can you make sure you're hiring the right photographer? Here are seven tips that can help ensure you aren't disappointed.

Behind the Scenes of a Shoot for a Commercial Using Only Natural Light

Shooting a commercial is a difficult task at the best of times, but to do so only utilizing natural light, is even trickier. In this video, go behind the scenes of the shoot as Eric Floberg walks you through settings, equipment, and considerations to get to the professional final result.

5 Tips for Making YouTube Videos Faster

Creating video content can be so time-consuming that it is off-putting for people starting out on platforms like YouTube. In this video, and experienced videographer and YouTuber, Sidney Diongzon, goes through five tips to help speed up and smooth out your workflow.

One Truth of Photography That Catches Beginners Out

Some of photography is intuitive, some of it requires some understanding, and then there are quirks of the craft that can catch you out completely. This particular truth of photography is counter-intuitive and can be frustrating too.

The Worst Things I Have Bought as a Photographer

I have no doubts that we have all forked out some of our hard-earned Benjamins on something completely regrettable, as I certainly have. Over the years, I have made some questionable purchases, and here are the worst.

Learn From a Master: Analysis of Joel Meyerowtiz's Street Photography

There are photographers that are so masterful in their creation of images that they are worth studying in the hope you can siphon off some of their brilliance. In this video, watch as some of Joel Meyerowitz's legendary street photography is broken down and analyzed.

How to Give Your Videos a Filmic Look With Color Grading

There are many ways to edit your videos and images, but one lasting method is in fact just to mimic the past. In this video, watch how one videographer color grades his work to get that vintage feel without sacrificing quality.

One Photographer's Five-Day Mission for an Elusive Photo

One photographer has been chasing a particular shot for a number of years, and in this video, watch behind the scenes as he spends a week trying to get it just right in the United Kingdom's Peak District.

7 Reasons Why Photography Is Great for You: Some Well-Needed Positivity

The last 18 months have been a brutal procession of adversity and change, to the point where I have to limit how much news I read for my own mental health. In a similar vein to the Reddit sub, /r/eyebleach, here are seven reasons why photography is a great hobby to have.

How to Create a Hologram Effect in Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop is one of the deepest pieces of software in our industry and mastery of it is all but impossible. In this tutorial, learn how to create a convincing hologram effect for some creative edits of your images.