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Rob Baggs
London, & Hertfordshire, GB

Articles written by Rob Baggs

Why You May Benefit From Fewer Clients

When striving for success, the reality of what you want and what you pictured beforehand seemingly don't always align. In fact, they can appear wholly different and strange. This is one such peculiarity.

Five Tips for Photographing your Pets at Home

If you like photography, have a camera, and have pets, they're going to meet sooner or later. Here, Matt Granger gives you his tips for photographing your pets at home.

Five Lightroom Tips You May Not Know About

With popular software in a perpetual state of change, it's always useful to keep an eye out for videos which offer tips and advice for things you may have missed.

Why Does Hollywood Use These Cameras?

Gear Acquisition Syndrome is something we've all had at some point. Unfortunately, it's a steep gradient with some of the most desirable gear costing small fortunes. The Arri Alexa sits near the peak of the mountain.

How to Get a Moody Feel to Your Cityscapes

A lot of cityscapes and cinematography of urban settings are moody and it's a very popular aesthetic. Here's how you can achieve the look with your own images using Lightroom.

The Biggest Threat to Working Photographers is a Lack of Insurance

It isn't fearmongering to say that one mistake, and not even necessarily your own, can bankrupt your photography business if you're uninsured. So Fstoppers have teamed up with Insurance Canopy who have created Full Frame Photography Insurance to go over the issue and offer some insight.

The Downside to Pursuing Your Passion: Dreamer's Guilt

I love what I do and pursue my passions fervently and in all directions. While you're starting out and not achieving much, you feel a wealth of support, but with success comes a type of guilt I've labeled, Dreamer's Guilt.

The Simplest Tip to Improve Your Macro Photography

Macro photography can be useful to many disciplines, but mastering the craft can require some heavy duty gear, and some in-depth knowledge. However, one mistake I see a lot of macro photographers make is also the easiest to fix.

How Do You Take a Picture of a Black Hole?

We've all seen the incredible first image of a supermassive black hole, but how on earth do you capture something so far away and that, by its very definition, consumes light?!