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Trait D'olympe
Montreal, QC, CA

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How to Make More Powerful Photographs

One of the most difficult parts of any art is learning to express the things you feel through the medium you are working with. Today we’ll look at one way of approaching this in photography.

Oprema Jena’s Future for Resurrecting the Classic Bokeh Looks Bleak

The company behind Oprema Jena has filed for bankruptcy and applied for de-listing from the German stock exchange. The crowdfunded designs for resurrecting some of the classic lenses that made bokeh character famous are likely to never come to fruition now.

How to Create Captivating Eyes and Catchlights Using Photoshop

Whether you're working in a studio with a bunch of lights or outdoors with natural light, the eyes are probably one of the most important features that can make or break any portrait. This helpful tutorial will show you how to add catchlights and make the eyes shine.

How to Make Your GoPro Footage Look Awesome

GoPro cameras are some of the most versatile cameras on the market. The super compact size and lightweight design make them ideal for a lot of creative uses. Not to mention their durability and water resistance. This makes them ideal for those strange and somewhat crazy angles.

Selfie Culture Prompts Surge in Cosmetic Surgery Inquiries

A recent report suggests that there is a direct correlation between the filters used in social media applications such as Snapchat and requests for cosmetic surgery. Notably, many people are specifically asking surgeons to make them look like more like an edited version of themselves.

The Legendary 5D Mark I: Still a Great Choice for Photographers

Thirteen years ago, Canon brought out the 5D Mark I, the first full-frame camera that wasn't weather-sealed and the size and weight of a small car. Photographer Pablo Strong explains why it's still his first choice for street portraits, bravely comparing it to a 5D Mark IV.

How to Use the HSL Sliders on Your Photos in Lightroom

One of the quickest and most powerful ways to achieve a signature look in Lightroom is by taking advantage of the HSL sliders. This excellent tutorial will introduce you to the HSL sliders, what they do, and how to use them to create better images.

A Common but Easily Fixed Mistake in Portrait Photography

When you're taking portraits, you have a lot to think about: exposure, composition, subject expression, and more. As such, it's easy to overlook something. This great video is a quick reminder to avoid this common mistake.

How to Light Overhead Portraits

Adorama TV is always bringing easy-to-understand tips and tricks to photographers with a plethora of education and tutorials. In the video, Gavin Hoey shows us how to adjust our lighting to where we are shooting our subject.

Here's Why You Need to Take More Selfies

The photography community is generally quite snobbish when it comes to selfies. Selfies aren't even considered a proper form of photography by many individuals, which is obviously ridiculous. I, for one, think that we aren't taking half as many selfies as we should.

How to Use a Long Exposure to Remove People From Your Landscapes

Most landscape and cityscape photographers prefer to have images that are void of tourists, traffic, and other distracting elements in their scenes. One way to remove these eye sores is to meticulously clone them out in Photoshop, but what if there was a way to get a scene to look empty with a single exposure all in camera? Today I explore using a 15 stop neutral density filter for the first time.

How to Change the Perspective of Anything in Photoshop

If you want to correct unwanted distortion, or if you are trying to make an object fit the scene in a composite, the perspective warp tool is one of the most powerful options you have. This video gives a complete guide on how to use this unknown tool.

Why You Should Photograph Your Family More

Don't lie, most of us are guilty of not bothering to pick up our camera and photograph what's close to our hearts and homes. But why should we push ourselves to do it more, even if there's no immediate reward?

Three Basic Non-Algorithm Tips for Growing on Instagram

For many photographers, Instagram is still the biggest and best social media platform for spreading and showing our work. Growing on Instagram is, however, a long, weird, confusing, and sometimes frustrating process.

Deleting Facebook Made My Photography Better

Not so long ago, I took the plunge and deleted my Facebook accounts, both personal and business profiles. As a professional photographer, this may seem like career suicide. However, it may have saved my career and sanity.

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