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Alex Cooke
Cleveland, OH

Articles written by Alex Cooke

Fstoppers Interviews Limor Garfinkle on Her Upcoming Photo Gallery Exhibition, 'The Comedians'

Photographer and Fstoppers alum Limor Garfinkle has been working on a very interesting project for the last two years: designing and shooting portraits of comedians that show off their unique personalities. Now, the project is ready for its gallery premiere at the TBS Comedy Hub as part of the New York Comedy Festival, with the proceeds benefiting the Mount Sinai Division of ADHD and Learning Disorders. Fstoppers recently interviewed her about the process and fun experience of shooting these portraits.

A Complete Guide to Lightroom CC

Adobe recently released the latest version of the desktop version of Lightroom, which is now dubbed "Lightroom Classic CC." Alongside it, they released Lightroom CC, an entirely new application that moves things to the cloud and seems to be targeted mostly toward advanced amateurs, but that also includes some interesting features along with the ability to integrate with the desktop version pros are used to. This helpful video will get you up and running on the new Lightroom CC.

How to Create More Refined Black and White Images Using Photoshop

There are somewhere in the neighborhood of 8,000 ways to convert an image to black and white, but of course, not all methods are equally effective or offer the same level of control over the final product. This method takes a bit more time than most, but will give you the exact results you desire.

How to Make a Cheap and Awesome DIY Strip Light Modifier for Speedlights

I love strip lights; they're probably my favorite when it comes to lighting. However, like everything that has to do with lighting, they're expensive — often much more so than their design and realization seem to command. Luckily, there are clever photographers out there with DIY projects like this one to save the day (and your wallet).

Don't Miss These PhotoPlus Expo Specials From B&H

The Fstoppers crew is currently at PhotoPlus Expo in New York City having the time of our lives. While we're there, B&H has announced a ton of great deals just for the event, so if you're looking for a new camera, lens, lights, computer, or accessories, now is the time to check out what's available.

An Alternative Way to Color Grade Images in Photoshop

The cool part about Photoshop is that for any desired result, there are numerous ways of getting there, allowing you to choose the method that works best with your workflow and what you know. This helpful tutorial will show you another way to color grade your images that you might not have seen before.

A Beginner's Guide to Using the Healing Brush Tool in Photoshop

One of the coolest things you can do with Photoshop is get rid of stuff you don't want in the picture fairly easily in most situations. If you're relatively new to the app, this helpful video will show you two such tools for doing that: the Healing Brush and Spot Healing Brush.

Five Mistakes Beginner Photographers Make

Every single photographer from rank amateur to seasoned pro makes mistakes. Of course, the idea is to minimize the occurrence of said mistakes so you can focus more on being creative and not have to worry about missing a shot. If you're just starting out, here are five mistakes to be aware of when you head out to shoot.

Being a Successful Photographer as an Introvert

One thing I absolutely hate about most videos or books about how to be successful in a creative field as an introvert is that they basically tell you to just fake being an extrovert. This helpful video takes the opposite approach, showing you how to embrace your strengths as an introvert to be a successful photographer.

How to Create a Moody Black and White Landscape Image in Lightroom

When we think of landscape photography, the default image our mind imagines is probably some sweeping view with gorgeous golden light and epic scenery. Nonetheless, that's not the only look you can get in landscape work, and as this helpful video shows, you can pull impressive images even out of the worst conditions.

Frustration in Photography: Knowing When It's Time to Take a Break

The problem with photography (or really, any creative pursuit) is that you can have all the variables in place and have prepared yourself as well as possible, only to feel the creativity drift away from you like some nebulous cloud you grasp at only to watch your hand pass right through it. This video examines the idea of when it's time to take a break.

Watch a Time-Lapse of a Canon Camera Shutter Replacement

Cameras are a mix of electronic and mechanical parts, and sometimes, those mechanical parts will wear out, necessitating a replacement. This neat time-lapse gives a glimpse of one of the most common repairs of that sort: a shutter replacement.

Using Tension in Your Photos

Photography is, by its nature, an interruptive thing: it freezes a moment in time, and in doing so, it can either subvert the dynamic nature of time and all that moves in it or (if done correctly) can enhance it. This helpful video shows you one element you can add to your images to breathe dynamic nature into a still medium.

The Mobile Photography Workflow Solution: Fstoppers Reviews the 12.9-Inch Apple iPad Pro

Ever since tablets became more mainstream, I've been aching for a device that could truly be a full-powered, mobile photography solution. After all, the idea of a tablet seems tailor-made for photographers. And finally, in the last few years, hardware and software have reached a point where the tablet truly is a viable solution. Find out how the 2017 iPro Pro fares in this review.

Man Steals Image, Gets Sued, Calls Photographer 'Malicious'

You may or may not know that I occasionally write satirical articles for Fstoppers. This is not one of those articles. An Internet "entrepreneur" was sued for using a copyrighted image, and he now claims the photographer who sued him was "malicious" for doing so.

You Get Four Shots: Patience and Payoff When Hiking With a Large Format Camera

Large format photography is its own beast, with all sorts of considerations and technical know-how needed to pull it off successfully, not the least of which being that the equipment is often simply unwieldy. Nonetheless, that extra work is not without a payoff, as the resultant images can be full of gorgeous detail. This neat video takes a look at a different way of going about landscape images.

Five Gorillapod Hacks for Filmmakers

Filmmaking and photography are often about being as resourceful as one can and using creative problem-solving to get whatever shot you're interested in. The Gorillapod is a popular product built around that philosophy, and this helpful video shows you five different ways to extend its usefulness.

How to Remove Hot Spots and Reduce Shiny Skin Using Photoshop

Hot spots and shiny skin can be a bit tricky to retouch, but they can also be rather distracting, so it's important to know how to reduce or eliminate them. This helpful tutorial will show you several ways to go about that in quick time using Photoshop.