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Alex Cooke
Cleveland, OH

Articles written by Alex Cooke

How to Color Correct Photos in Lightroom

Lightroom has some quick and powerful tools for color correcting your images. This great tutorial walks you through all of them, whether you prefer one-click adjustments or full manual control.

How to Deal With an Unhappy Photo or Video Client

It's going to happen. You're going to mess something up or you're going to get the impossible-to-please client. Knowing how to deal with the inevitable when it hits is key to preserving both your business and your sanity.

Remove Eye Bags in Photoshop in Just a Minute

The modern sleep-optional lifestyle means that more and more of us have permanent bags under our eyes, which in turn means being able to retouch them is a required skill. This great tutorial will show you how to do so in almost no time.

Using Color Palettes in Photography

Color is beautiful, color is powerful. The greatest photographers have complete control of the use of color in their images. This great video walks you through many examples of their work and shows off just what an important tool it is.

Check Out These Photo and Video Deals of the Week

If you're in the market for some new gear, be sure to check out these deals of the week for some great savings, including huge instant savings on the Sony a7 series along with up to $480 in trade-in credit and some absolutely crazy lighting deals!

BBC Camera Crew Caught by Volcanic Explosion

Volcanology is an imperfect and sometimes unpredictable science, as a BBC camera crew learned recently, narrowly escaping with their lives after a close call on Mount Etna.

How to Convincingly Composite Images in Photoshop

Compositing images well is one of those skills that can really flex your photographic prowess by calling on a multitude of techniques, all of which you have to have a sound basis in to create a convincing final product. This great tutorial will show you all the steps.

This Drone Uses DJI Cameras and Can Film Underwater

I got the new DJI Phantom 4 Pro 10 days ago. I just flew it for the first time yesterday. Know why? Because Cleveland is a nonstop fountain of bad weather. I need this new waterproof drone in my life.

A Great Perspective on Why Gear Doesn't Matter

Yes, we've all heard this talk before, but as usual, Ted Forbes brings a fresh, insightful perspective to the discussion. Take a few minutes to watch this great video.