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Alex Cooke
Cleveland, OH

Articles written by Alex Cooke

Should You Go Into Debt to Purchase Photo and Video Equipment?

It's not exactly a secret that photography and videography equipment can be expensive — like "you can live with only one kidney, right?" expensive. And so, when it comes time to purchase that five-figure camera, you may have to make some difficult decisions, including possibly going into debt to be able to afford it. But is that the right decision? This helpful video gives you some questions to ask yourself before you commit to living life in the red.

13 Gimbal Movements You Should Know

Adding to your arsenal of camera movements is always a good thing to do. If you just bought your first gimbal, this great tutorial will show you 13 essential movements that will add more visual interest to your work.

On Goals and Motivation in Photography

Photography, especially some of the more niche genres, can be an exceedingly hard thing to stay motivated in. Hear from a large format landscape photographer on how he stays motivated in a tough-to-make-it world.

How Canon Dual Pixel CMOS Autofocus Works

Not too long ago, using autofocus in video was slow, unreliable, and generally unacceptable. Companies have been working to make it viable for filmmakers, with Canon's solution being Dual Pixel CMOS Autofocus, which has generally been lauded for its performance. Here's a neat, short video on how it works.

Instagram Is Clamping Down on Sneaky Sponsored Posts

Sneaky advertising is annoying. People often use their social media following to their advantage, featuring paid content to promote products, but the problem is that they often don't disclose that, leaving the consumer possibly tricked into believing it's an honest endorsement. With both the FTC and Instagram itself taking notice of this problematic trend, the company is introducing a new feature to help eliminate the issue.

10 Years of the iPhone: How It Has Shaped Photography

June 29 of this year will mark the ten-year anniversary of the iPhone's introduction to the world. It has, for better or worse, revolutionized many things about modern life, including how we document it through photos. Here's how the landscape has changed and will continue to evolve.

Filmmaking Tips for Younger Filmmakers

When you're first starting in filmmaking, the veritable plethora of techniques, equipment, skills, and the like you have to have can seem like an impossible bunch to conquer. Being younger is yet another challenge. This video gives some helpful tips and advice to younger up and coming filmmakers.

A Helpful Comparison of Various Lighting Modifiers

When you're first starting with artificial lighting, one of the biggest things to learn is how different modifiers affect the face. This helpful video compares numerous modifiers of different types and sizes to help you understand their effects and choose what's right for you.

Amateur Photographer With Pro Gear Vs. Pro Photographers With Amateur Gear

We have certainly talked about this before, but it seems Gear Acquisition Syndrome is forever waiting in the wings to try to convince us that that new camera will help us make better images. This is a great reminder that skilled photographers with basic gear will do a better job than someone with a nice camera.

A Beginner's Guide to Colorizing Black and White Images in Photoshop

Colorizing black and white photos is a nuanced and skilled art entirely by itself, but understanding the basics of it gives you some good practice with editing techniques and another skill to throw in your bag of tricks. This helpful video will show you how to do just that.

British Police Make First Arrest via Facial Recognition Camera Van

In a story that's either a case of camera and computer technology taking a step forward or another nail in the coffin of privacy, the South Wales Police recently arrested a man using a mobile automatic facial recognition (AFR) system deployed in a van.

An Interview With Master Photographer Benjamin Von Wong

Benjamin Von Wong's work is a tour de force of creativity, technical skill, and the ingenuity and planning ability to pull it all off. Learn more about how he began shooting, the evolution of his methods, and his advice on the creative process and working with others.