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Alex Cooke
Cleveland, OH

Articles written by Alex Cooke

Get Great Macro Photography Results on a Budget Using a Kit Lens

Macro photography is one of those genres that almost all of us want to try, but few of us specialize in. If it's your niche, you've probably already invested in dedicated equipment, but if you're just dabbling, you'd likely prefer to avoid purchasing an entire setup. This great video will walk you through the process of shooting and show you what can accomplish with a minimal setup.

Awesome Video Tips On How to Film a Wedding

Filming weddings is a real challenge. This helpful video shadows a wedding videographer throughout the day and shows off some great techniques and tips you can incorporate into your own shooting as he talks you through his process.

Let's Get Back to Storytelling in Our Photo and Video Work

As photographers and videographers, we can get really caught up in our tech. After all, gear is fun. But gear is the means, not the end. This great video serves a reminder to always return to the pursuit of better storytelling.

The Joy of Shooting Large Format for the First Time

"This should be simple." Those were the famous last words from Thomas Heaton as he set off with his large format camera to shoot with it for the first time. This great video showcases the joys and challenges of tackling the medium.

How to Book the Photo and Video Clients You Want

So, you've bought the camera and lights, you've watched hours of tutorials and done lots of shoots with friends to get your technique up to speed, and you've printed up business cards. Now, it's time to get the clients you want. Check out this quick video that'll set you on the right path.

Learn How to Make Selections in Photoshop

Selections are really at the core of editing in Photoshop: they are what allow you to apply edits, effects, and more precisely and convincingly, while also enabling you to rearrange, copy, substitute, and remove elements of an image. In this great tutorial, you'll learn the most common tools and methods for making selections in Photoshop.

An Easy Tutorial for Getting a Great Wedding Photo

Weddings are a strange beast. Theoretically, they're full of opportunities for creative shots, but the time pressure often curtails too much exploration. It's best to go in with a plan — a photographic structured improvisation of sorts — for the more creative photos you want to get. This awesome video will walk you through exactly how to get one of those shots.

Immature Internet Behavior Will Cost You Business

Today on the Internet, I watched photographers draw analogies between a retouching technique and using nerve gas in warfare. While I stared, aghast at the immaturity, I began to wonder: "What would a customer think of this?"

The Beautiful Video Made When a Computer Predicts 100,000 Frames

Machine learning is an incredibly powerful thing. Damien Henry, a technical program manager at Google, took advantage of this, feeding a machine learning algorithm a single image and asking it to generate an hour-long video of approximately 100,000 frames by predicting the next frame based on the previous one. The result is gorgeous to watch.

Getting the National Geographic Lighting Style in Your Images

National Geographic was probably the first place I found truly inspiring photography as a kid: I was particularly drawn to both the color and the lighting of the images. In this great tutorial, Bob Holmes, a National Geographic shooter, walks us through his philosophy and thought process when reading the light in a scene.

Fstoppers Interviews Felix Hernandez About His Brilliant Audi Middle East Photoshoot

If you've not seen Felix Hernandez' images before, you're missing out. The Cancun-based photographer's work is as brilliantly resourceful as it is creative. In this interview, we go behind the scenes of his shoot using 1/45 scale models for Audi Middle East and Hernandez guides us through his process and offers advice for up and coming photographers.

Fstoppers Photographer of the Month (April 2017): Felipe Gómez

The Fstoppers community is brimming with creative vision and talent. Every day, we comb through your work, looking for images to feature as the Photo of the Day or simply to admire your creativity and technical prowess. In 2017, we're featuring a new photographer every month, whose portfolio represents both stellar photographic achievement and a high level of involvement within the Fstoppers community.

Fstoppers Reviews the Lexar JumpDrive Tough USB 3.1 Flash Drive

If you work in tough conditions and need something a bit more rigorous than the standard USB flash drive, the Lexar JumpDrive Tough could be the ticket. Built to withstand some pretty crazy ordeals, it could be a great option for photographers who frequently work in less-than-stellar environments.

Three Basic Lighting Techniques That Apply to Anything

Lighting is equal parts art and science. The science part often comes in understanding how different surfaces absorb and reflect light and how that impacts the setup you'll require. This great video shows you three general situations and the unique considerations you must make in each of them to properly light your subject.

How to Give Modern Footage a Super 8 Look in Premiere Pro

Sometimes, whether it's for artistic reasons, historical accuracy, or the sheer novelty of it, you want to take your footage shot with your super-fancy, ultra-modern videographic apparatus and make it look like it was shot on a camera of yesteryear. This great video will show you how to do precisely that.