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Alex Cooke
Cleveland, OH

Articles written by Alex Cooke

10 Fun and Easy Photography Tricks to Invigorate Your Creativity

Half the fun of photography is the experimentation. Sometimes, with a little ingenuity, you stumble upon a great image or a new technique that can blossom into an entire series or simply provide a bit of fun on a rainy day. Here are 10 such tricks you can easily try out.

Some Useful Tips for Building a More Engaging Website

Your website is your calling card: it's the place where people go to decide whether they're going to book you or some other photographer. As such, it's important to make yours as memorable as possible. This helpful tutorial will give you some great tips to build a stronger brand on your website.

Check Out These Photo and Video Deals of the Week

This week is an awesome time to check out some of the most popular cameras and lenses out there. Whatever you shoot, B&H has some great deals waiting, including many discounts on camera kits and lenses.

30 Photoshop Techniques Every Photographer Should Know

If you're working as a photographer or retoucher, there are certain Photoshop techniques you just have to know. This amazing set of tutorials walks you through 30 such skills and explains why they're important and how to use them.

Instagram Introduces Ability to Archive Photos and Videos

As Instagram continues to evolve as a platform serious photographers use to showcase their work and gain new clients, the app continues to introduce features that make those tasks more easily accomplished. Starting today, users can archive posts, making them viewable only to themselves.

Functional Discontentment or Why Artists Can't Be Satisfied

Creatives are notorious for being unsatisfied with their work and for that translating to a general unhappiness in life. Hidden in that, though, is a real key to creativity, as long as one can find the proper balance.

A Practical Guide to Learning and Evaluating a Lens

So, you're thinking of dropping that stack of cash you've been saving up on that light-guzzling bokeh monster of an 85mm you've been eyeing. But how do you know it's the right lens for you? This great video will give you a model to follow.

Three Methods to Convert Photos to Black and White in Lightroom

Black and white images are the little black dresses of the photo world: they're always in style. Creating one is about more than just clicking a single button, though. This helpful tutorial will show you how to take complete control and make your black and white conversions in Lightroom as best as possible.

Four Ways to Get Smooth Video Footage (Three for Free)

There was a time when smooth, stable footage was the stuff of Hollywood, while us lowly plebeians dabbled with our shaky VHS home movies. But now, I can order laundry detergent delivered to my door by pressing a button on my washing machine and those magical devices in our pockets shoot in 4K. Here are four great ways to get with the times and give your footage that smooth, cinematic look.

How to Add a Glowing Sun Effect Using Photoshop

A warm sun glow effect in portraits is a highly popular look that can create a lot of interest in an image if done right. This great tutorial shows you a quick and easy method for adding the effect that produces a nice result.

This Video Shows You an Astronaut's View During a Spacewalk

Back in March of this year, ESA Astronaut Thomas Pesquet and NASA Astronaut Shane Kimbrough went for a spacewalk outside the International Space Station. Pesquet recorded the walk, and the footage is truly astounding.

The Sony a9 Continuous Eye Autofocus Looks Amazing

There has been a ton of excitement drummed up around the Sony a9, and today, there seems to be another reason to anticipate the camera's release. A Japanese camera tester posted a video of the camera's eye-tracking autofocus in action, and the results are highly impressive.

The Best Shots of All Time in Film (Part Two)

Part of the magic of the movies are the brilliant visual tricks and compositional decisions directors use to capture our attention and heighten or subvert our expectations. Here are more of the best shots in film.