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Pj Gangitino

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How to Set Up a Photography Studio in a Small Space on a Budget

We would all love to have large, sprawling studios in which we can have the freedom to experiment and tackle any sort of job with ease, but the reality is that that simply is not the case for most of us. This helpful video will show you how to set up a working, versatile studio in a small space without spending a lot of money in the process.

How to Be More Confident as a Photographer

Confidence is one of those important attributes that are really useful for a photographer. While too much can definitely be a bad thing, not enough can dramatically reduce the opportunities you'll have to make great work.

Three Ways To Keep The Fire Alive As A Photographer

As you are just beginning to learn photography, finding new subjects and techniques is as simple as picking up a camera. But as your career and art form progress, sometimes it takes a bit of positive action to keep the flame alive.

What Photos Do You Hang on Your Walls?

As photographers we are artists, so what we display on our own walls, in our own living spaces, should be of paramount importance to us. What do you display for others to see?

23 Speedlight Setups to Try This Year

While the rage may be LED lights and very portable strobes, it is still hard to beat the ease and simplicity of good old speedlights. Most of us have at least one, if not more in our camera bag, and I always carry two of them with me whenever I’m shooting. So, why not dust off those speedlights and brush up on some great ways to use them with this great video?

Seven Awesome Portrait Lighting Setups in 70 Seconds

Understanding good lighting is one of the most crucial aspects of creating elegant and compelling portraits. This great video will show you seven common and highly useful portrait lighting setups (most of which only use one light) in just 70 seconds.

How to Make Money on Instagram Even When You Don't Have a Large Audience

Using your social media or YouTube account to generate meaningful income seems to be the dream (or at least part of it) for a lot of creatives, but having a large audience seems to be almost a requirement for that to happen. This great video talks about how you can still leverage your Instagram or similar platforms for income even if you don't have a massive audience.

Five Awesome Nighttime Portrait Lighting Tips and Techniques

Nighttime portraits are a great way to shoot some very unique and creative images that can really set your work apart from others. This great video will show you five helpful nighttime portrait lighting tips and techniques.

Does Your Photography Have a Point?

What's the point of your photography? And how do you engage viewers with your images more? I reached a stage where I struggled to clearly answer these questions but then I implemented a few very helpful techniques evident in these images that really helped me define my photography.

Basic Real Estate Photography Tips for the Beginning Photographer

Real estate photography is a reliable staple as a source of income for many photographers. The commercial applications of quality real estate imagery are self-explanatory and if you're just getting involved, this video is here to help you with the basics.

Three Tools That Help Me Stay Focused on Photography

While I use many different tools throughout the course of a day, there are a few that I have found to be indispensable to my business. Oddly, they don’t have a whole lot to do with photography. Yet, having them in my life allows me to be more productive and stay focused on what matters most to me: photography.

How to Evaluate Your Own Photography

One type of question we see on social media and photography forums again and again is the “do you prefer this or this?” or “which image do you like best out of this set?” These sorts of questions are completely meaningless as they disregard the most important part of the decision: the photographer’s intention. What were you trying to achieve?

Pomodoro Technique: The Secret to Efficient Photo Editing?

Subscribe to business or productivity "influencers" on the web and you'll receive a variety of tips: “Nap this long,” “Consume more of these,” “Turn that device off!” But how do these techniques apply to photo editing, and can a one-size-fits-all productivity approach help us photographers use our editing time more efficiently?

Make Your Cutouts Pixel Perfect With Ease

There are many ways easily to cut out an object from an image using Photoshop, but inevitably, the very edge of your object is imperfect. In this video, Colin Smith at PhotoshopCafe shows us how clean up those edges not just quickly, but perfectly.

How to Find and Read Good Natural Light for Portrait Photography

Light makes or breaks a photo, and when you're shooting natural light, being able to find the right kind is crucial to getting the shots you want. This great video talks about what to look for and how to shape natural light for a great portrait.

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