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Ryan Clark
Ottawa, ON, CA

Bookmarked Articles

The Greatest Advice for Creatives I've Ever Heard

Where once information and advice was sparse, it's now abundant. With that come sits own problems in identifying that which is worth retaining, and that which is worth discarding. This is the greatest advice for up-and-coming creatives I've ever heard.

How to Write Regularly for Your Own Blog

The benefits of having your own blog are myriad, and for all intents and purposes, there is an unlimited amount of information on why. However, the main obstacle isn't "why," but "how".

Getting Creative Results With Harsh Lighting [NSFW]

Boudoir photographers shoot in all types of lighting. Some prefer bright and airy while others tend to be more moved by the moody and darker looks. There is a creative style just in-between with harsh lighting that can be interesting to shoot and to edit.

Stop Watermarking Your Photographs

Let go of the fear and leave your logo and watermark off your images. You will get more work and recognition because of it.

Film metadata

I need ideas on how to keep my handwritten metadata connected to a role of film when I send it to a lab to be processed...
A Reminder of the Power Your Photography Can Yield

It's easy to lose sight of why you love photography. It sometimes feels like you spend so much time selling the medium's power, that you forget its power can be greater than you can even describe.

How to Find a Valuable Niche as a Photographer

Finding your specialty can be difficult for any profession, but the vague advice of needing a niche as a photographer — while important — is unhelpful in isolation.

This Is Where You Should Be Putting Your Money This Year

A new year means new possibilities. Each year, most photographers put aside money for specific items such as gear, repair, equipment, and more. The one item many forget is education. This is an important part of growing as a photographer and needs to be addressed each year to keep the creative mind flowing.

Elevating the Boudoir Industry With Competition [NSFW]

As in any industry, it is important to push yourself for healthy competition. Entering photography contests or competitions can really push you creatively. Recently in a contest for a photography forum, an artist caught the eyes of many of his peers.
How To Build A Business Plan As A Photographer - Part Three

In our first two segments of building a business plan, we’ve talked about defining your product and forming a long term vision. In this final section we will talk about some of the practical steps you need to take to take those hypothetical concepts and put them into action.

How To Build A Business Plan As A Photographer - Part Two

In Part One of this series, we began writing our business plan by focusing on the nuts and bolts of our business. In this section, we will start to expand on those roots and add to the "what" by knowing our "why".

How to Build a Business Plan as a Photographer: Part One

Today begins a three part series on building a successful business plan as a photographer. The topic deserves its own full book, but hopefully these essays will give those of you just starting out a primer on things you need to consider when turning your hobby into a profession.

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