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Ryan Clark
Ottawa, ON, CA

Bookmarked Articles

A to Z of Photography: Exposure and Harold Edgerton

Light is the currency of photography, it's how you use it that defines your creative outputs. As we reach the letter E in our alphabetical journey, what better place to start than with exposure? Joining it, faster than a speeding bullet, is Harold Edgerton.

What Do You Wish You Had Started Sooner?

Whenever I discover something important or valuable to me, I inevitably wish I'd started it earlier. Areas of photography are no exception. So what do you wish you had started sooner?

Five Essentials for Getting Started in Portrait Photography

Are you thinking of trying out portrait photography and want to get some insight as to exactly what you need to create beautiful portraits without a lot of trial and error? Read on for some tried and true suggestions that will get you started without all the hit-and-miss experimentation.

You Don't Deserve to Get Paid for Your Photography

It really doesn't matter if you make excellent images that make your clients look their best, or that they're using your creative brain and technical mastery to sell their product. Clients deserve massive discounts, and, sometimes you just need to give them a load of images for free because they feel that they did you a favor that one time — conveniently forgetting all the other free and massively discounted commercial images you gave them.

How to Book Boudoir Shoots While Traveling

Michael Sasser sits down for a education filled interview with Victoria Caroline on how she successfully books twelve travel shoot in four nights. They discuss also what is important for copy writing on social media to engage with clients.

How to Organize and Digitize Old Photos

We live in a digital photo era but that doesn't mean that your old photos and negatives boxed up in the attic should be forgotten. The first step in preserving these is to get them organized. Next, you need to digitize old photos so they can be easily viewed and shared with others.

Ten Regrets I Have as a Professional Photographer

If you had your time again, would you change anything about your photography career? Here are 10 regrets I have accumulated while practicing as a professional photographer for the last decade.

The Mistake of Going Overboard During Post-Processing

With today's modern sensors and powerful editing software, it's easier than ever to push files to extremes. But of course, just because you can push a file that far, it doesn't mean that you should. This thoughtful video talks about a better, subtler way to edit files.

This Simple Camera Hack Changed My Life

It's so simple yet so powerful and has literally saved me hundreds of hours and untold gallons of frustrated, angry sweat. If you want to know a quick, fast camera hack that can make your photography life a rosy ride of comfort, then keep on reading.

The Joy of Shooting Medium Format Film on a Photo Walk

When was the last time you went on a photo walk, with no intentions other than simply photographing anything interesting you came across and enjoying some time doing what you love? This great video explores the idea of grabbing a film camera and heading on a casual photo walk.

Six Ways to Hack a Light Stand or Tripod

Tripods and light stands are found in virtually all photographer's kit bags. While most of these stands already do an excellent job, a few low-cost modifications can make them infinitely more versatile.

Bookmarked Media

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