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Illya Ovchar
Munich, DE

Articles written by Illya Ovchar

Real World M3 Pro MacBook Pro 14” Review: Small Size, Big Power

After about five years of using an Intel MacBook Pro, I made the jump to the M-Series. I bought the M3 Pro MacBook Pro 14” edition. While a downgrade in screen size, it was a huge upgrade pretty much everywhere else. In this article, we will review the new M3 MacBook Pro.

Bad Photo? No Problem, Aftershoot Has Your Back!

Not all photos are created equal. Some are objectively better than others. However, the photos themselves may not necessarily be bad; it may just be that the image is badly exposed or the white balance is off. Fixing bad images quickly can be a hassle for some, but it is a piece of cake for Aftershoot. Read on to find out how to fix your bad images quickly.

picdrop – Photo Gallery Software You Should Try

One of the most common things clients can ask for from photographers is providing photo galleries. This allows you to not only deliver a better customer experience but also to boost sales. Let’s see how picdrop can help you create the best galleries for your clients.

NIK Collection 6.5: Not Just a New Update

DxO has announced the new Nik Collection version 6.5, which is much more significant than just a regular update. A complete redesign of Nik Collection, as we knew it, DxO is presenting the user with a brand new product that takes everything that was great about Nik Collection and makes it better.

Profoto B1X Review: Time To Say Goodbye in 2024?

Often regarded as the best lighting company in the world, Profoto offers a few battery-powered lights. The pinnacle of such lighting is the Profoto B1X. In 2024, however, does it hold up against the competition, and are there better alternatives?

BenQ ScreenBar Halo: The Best Upgrade You Can Make Under $180

I didn't think it would be as useful as it ended up being. And I was quite wrong about how much I would use it. Turns out, I use it all the time, and it's one of the best things you can get for your desktop setup. In this article, we will review the BenQ ScreenBar Halo.

Every Single Light Modifier Compared: The Ultimate Guide

I notice many guides online for various light modifiers available. What I don’t see as much is a proper comparison of nearly every modifier available. Having sorted through my kit a few days ago, I realized I have numerous modifiers. In this article, we will compare modifiers so that next time you’re selecting one, you understand their functions.

What Is a Briese and Why Do Pro Photographers Love It So Much?

Probably, most of us have at some point encountered a behind-the-scenes photo where there is a parabolic reflector with the name Briese written on the side in yellow letters. Yet, very few photographers have actually worked with it or know what makes it so special. Recently, I got a chance to try out Briese reflectors and generators in Hamburg. Read on to find out why I fell in love from the first sight.

5 Ways You Are Derailing Your Photography Career

The game has changed a lot in 2024. Being a successful photographer is no longer about technical ability but a lot more about aesthetics and vision. In this article, I will tell you the five things you need to stop doing to be a successful photographer in 2024.

Secrets of Photography Trends: Stay Ahead of the Game!

I made a TikTok after months of being nagged by my friends and colleagues. There's a ton of behind-the-scenes content that I am slowly uploading there. Sometimes, at about 3 in the morning when I finish my work and get slightly depressed, I go on TikTok and scroll through videos tagged #photography. While this won’t be an article targeting TikTok photographers, or an article shaming people for following trends, it will be an article discussing what trends there are now, and what’s possibly dangerous with them.

Why I Won't Use Certain Brands for Paid Work

It’s not that I hate Godox or that I am paid by a different lighting brand to hate Godox every month. It is simply that when it comes to producing professional work, their lights are just not fit for the job. Here is why I will not use Godox for professional work.

The Ultimate Budget Full-Frame Camera of 2024

Whenever someone asks me what camera they should buy, I am shown a ton of triple-digit-D versions. Unfortunately, entry-level cameras are nowhere near as good as full-frame equivalents. Full frame doesn’t have to be expensive. Here’s a cheap full frame camera you can buy in 2024.

Don't Buy the Hype: The Dome Attachment Mystery Solved!

There is a war going on in the lighting community: To dome or not to dome? Does the recessed front make a difference? Are the flat-front lights not usable anymore? Well, having had the privilege of owning a number of lighting variants, I did rigorous testing to settle the debate once and for all.

Why I Don't Take My Camera With Me Anymore: EDC in 2024

As professional photographers, we carry around a bunch of stuff. I can easily rock up to a shoot with way too much kit for the job. My daily carry-around equipment is quite different, though. Let's talk about some of the must-carry items.

It's Time To Confess: Photography Nearly Broke Me

January had been a difficult month for me. I was shooting a lot less, and as a result, I had a ton of time to think about my career and my direction. I ended up in a fairly bad place with my mental health. Like almost every other artist, I ended up hating much of what I do. Here's why it sucks being a photographer, and what you can do about it.

I Wish I Knew Earlier About These 5 Mistakes Every Photographer Makes

I do my very best to help out photographers who are starting out. There are some negative tendencies in just about any photographer's career; I had them myself. The only difference between me and you is that you will now find out what's wrong, while I had to figure it out by trial and error.

The Secret Way I Save Money When Buying Gear

Buying equipment is as exciting as ever, if you ask me. While my tastes are probably slightly different than yours, in the sense that I buy '90s flash gear and DSLRs, I have been doing this for around five years and have come up with a few tips on how to save money when buying gear.

Stock Photography Is a Scam

There is a lot of bad advice online on how to make money as a photographer. Truth be told, I followed much of it and made a big fat zero. This is not because such advice is wrong, but rather because it is out of touch with what the market is in 2024. In this article, I will shed light on one of the worst ways to make money with your work.