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Lee Morris
Charleston, SC

Articles written by Lee Morris

Cull and Edit an Entire Wedding in One Hour with Aftershoot

We've recently reviewed a lot of different programs that allow users to "train AI" to edit like they do in Adobe Lightroom. Aftershoot is the latest program to do this, but it has a few significant features that make it stand apart.
One of My Favorite Gadgets of the Year Is a Vacuum

Although at Fstoppers, we tend to focus on photography-related products, we occasionally feature gadgets and technology outside of our normal focus. The Roborock S8 Pro Ultra is one of the most incredible gadgets I've ever used, and I wanted to create a video about it.

Photographers, Print Your Photos

Although I've probably taken millions of photographs at this point, I rarely ever print them. I moved into a new house in 2022, and a year later, almost every wall was still bare. Well, not anymore. I finally printed 10 giant photos and purchased two Samsung Frame TVs that become art when they aren't being used.
New AI Software Will Fix Any Photo

Artificial intelligence may end up destroying the photography industry, but until then, let's use it to make our lives easier.
The End of Professional Photography

Every year, I've had to hear about how a new technology was going to kill the photography industry. I ignored it all, until now.

This Software Finds Good and Bad Photos Automatically

The worst part about being a wedding or event photographer is having to edit thousands of photos, but I've recently discovered Narrative Select, software that uses AI to make the culling process much faster.

The Best Wireless Headphones in 2022

I purchased the eight most popular noise-cancelling wireless headphones to find the best one. Sadly, there isn't a single set that is clearly the "best," but I can help you choose your next pair wisely.

Did B&H Just Leak New Apple Products?

Everyone's favorite camera store, B&H in NYC, has built placeholder product pages for Apple products that are supposed to be announced tomorrow. Is this actually a leak or are they simply preparing for any products to be announced?

New Mac User Tries Apple Accessories for the First Time

I recently switched from a Windows desktop to a Macbook Pro, but I still haven't tried many of the Apple accessories that Mac users swear by. In this video, I try out the AirPods Max and the Magic Keyboard, Trackpad, and Mouse for the first time.

Why Do Lenses Flip Images?

Why do all lenses, including the one in the human eye, flip an image upside-down? Or do they? It's far easier to understand than you might think.

Premiere User Tries Color Grading in Final Cut Pro

A couple of months ago, I tried Final Cut Pro for the first time. Surprisingly, there were many things I liked about Final Cut, but it wasn't enough to convince me to switch from Premiere. Today, I'm giving Final Cut Pro another try.