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Ray Sheffer
Friday Harbor, WA, WA

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3 Portrait Lighting Setups Using 2 Lights

Tutorials on using a 1-light setup for portrait photography are commonplace, and rightly so. There are several ways that a single light source can be positioned to create flattering lighting on a subject. You might think that switching to a 2-light setup would be twice as complicated. This isn’t the case. There are several 2-light arrangements that are easy to understand and quick to set up. Using 2 lights can make it easy for you to transition between a clean headshot and a dramatic portrait.

Have You Ever Made a Series of Landscape Photos From One Location?

Visiting beautiful locations for landscape photography can be quite rewarding. Often these, are one-time occasions. If you want to visit the same location more than once, you have to look for something close. This article is about making a long-term series of photos of one location.

The Proper Camera Settings for Working With Strobes

Learning flash can be a scary thing, but it does not have to be. Once you understand how flash works, it will unlock a multitude of creative opportunities that simply would not be possible when working with only natural light. This great video tutorial will show you one of the most important skills you will need: how to properly set your camera when working with strobes.

Assume your Camera Setting Are Wrong, Even if They’re Correct

Nothing is more frustrating than having the wrong camera settings, especially during decisive moments. These images are probably beyond recovery. That’s why you have to check the camera setting every single time you go out. Just assume the settings are wrong. Always.

Do You Use Halation?

If you want a warm film look for your photographs or videos, you might want to consider one of the easiest ways to come closer to a film look. That is halation, or a light bloom, and I'm going to show you how it's done through a diffusion filter.

Create an Effective Rim Light With One Light

When starting out with off-camera flash, especially in portraiture, we don't always have access to a lot of high-tech or expensive strobes and modifiers. Here's a simple setup that will help you create stunning low-key rim lit images with very little equipment required.

Dealing With Imposter Syndrome as a Photographer

Impostor Syndrome can be an insidious thing: you work hard at your craft and develop a strong creative voice, and yet, despite all that effort and experience, you feel as if you do not know what you are doing and your work is not worthwhile. Why do so many photographers experience Impostor Syndrome, and what can they do about it? This excellent video features an experienced creative discussing his experience with the issue and how he tackles it.

Photo Projects You Should Consider for 2023

A new year brings thoughts of new beginnings and new opportunities. Resolutions are common this time of year. You undoubtedly have plans to join a gym this year, but why not also make a goal of working on a new photo project? There are several projects you might consider undertaking in 2023, ranging from those that require you to create something original each day to those that will be successful with a less frequent contribution on your part.

Can You Shoot a Wedding on a Medium Format Camera?

Medium format cameras mostly live in studios, where the controlled lighting and less demanding autofocus and burst rates allow them to shine. What happens if you take them out of that environment and put them in the hands of a wedding photographer? This great video shows the results.

Create Killer Landscape Images Using Only Your Mobile Phone and Tablet

This is an essential watch if you love taking photos with your phone but aren't sure whether you can get a great image or not. In this video, Glyn Dewis shows how mobile photography is possible for everyone using Adobe's Lightroom and Photoshop Mobile software.

5 Helpful Tips for Better Wildlife Photos

Wildlife photography is a challenging but rewarding genre that requires a lot of solid technique and specialized knowledge in order to create compelling images. If you are new to the genre and looking to improve, check out this fantastic video tutorial that will give you five helpful tips sure to put you on the right track to better wildlife shots.

Breathe New Life Into Pictures Taken With Old or Low-Resolution Cameras

Many professional photographers are certain to have images that were taken on outdated cameras or taken on low-resolution sensors. But what happens if you want to print these images large or bring them up to current camera technology standards? Well, Luminar Neo might just be the answer for you.

Important Lessons About Being a Professional Photographer

Becoming a professional photographer takes a lot more than simply being good with a camera and having creative vision. In fact, a lot of talented photographers languish as professionals because they are not prepared for the demands that come along with tying your income to your images. This excellent video tutorial features an experienced photographer discussing some of the important lessons budding professionals need to learn.

5 Helpful Tips for the Shy Street Photographer

Street photography is an exciting genre that can quickly sharpen your technical and creative skills, but it also is not for the faint of heart. If you are interested in street photography but find yourself a bit shy to tackle it, check out this fantastic video tutorial that features an experienced shooter giving five helpful tips for apprehensive photographers.

52Frames Weekly Photo Challenge: Improve Your Photography One Week at a Time

Make 2023 a year of creative breakthrough. We all know the key to getting better is consistency. Doing something over and over again will eventually make you better at anything. 52Frames is a photography community that encourages you to improve by prioritizing consistency over perfection: a photo every week for a year. Photography, like any other skill, requires practice. It’s like going to the gym: you need a training plan, with clear goals and ways to achieve them.

How to Retouch a Portrait in Lightroom Without Photoshop

High-end retouching is normally done in Photoshop, so can similar edits be achieved in Lightroom without ever leaving the software? The following tutorial is based upon the tips and techniques provided in lesson 19 of Mastering Adobe Lightroom by Pye Jirsa and is only part of the 49 lessons available in the tutorial.

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