Pro Strategies for Sports Photography

When you're shooting sports, knowing the game is key. It's about anticipating the action and being ready to capture those peak moments. Timing is everything, and the better you know the sport, the more consistently you'll make great pictures.

Coming to you from Jean Fruth with B&H Photo and Video, this insightful video emphasizes the importance of familiarity with the sports you shoot. Fruth explains that athletes repeat their actions, from throwing a ball to kicking it, allowing you to anticipate and prepare for those moments. For instance, if there's a man on first base, you're ready for a double play at second. This knowledge positions you to capture the decisive moments, which is essential in sports photography.

Fruth also discusses the gear, highlighting the benefits of using high-frame-rate cameras. These cameras, with their capabilities of 30 to 120 frames per second, ensure you don't miss any action. Fruth points out that sports photography doesn't offer do-overs. You get one chance to capture the moment, making fast and reliable gear crucial. 

The video goes into detail about lens choices as well. Fruth prefers using telephoto lenses like the 300mm and 400mm f/2.8, which help in isolating the subject and creating that beautiful bokeh. This is vital in making the athlete pop against potentially distracting backgrounds. Fruth advises never to go below a 1/2,000 second shutter speed to freeze the action sharply. 

Moreover, Fruth emphasizes the importance of preparation and positioning. Scouting locations, knowing where the light will be, and understanding the best angles all contribute to capturing superior images. Fruth suggests arriving early to scout the positions available and planning shots based on the lighting conditions. This kind of preparation allows for more creative and impactful images, making use of both the environment and the action. Check out the video above for the full rundown from Fruth.

Alex Cooke's picture

Alex Cooke is a Cleveland-based portrait, events, and landscape photographer. He holds an M.S. in Applied Mathematics and a doctorate in Music Composition. He is also an avid equestrian.

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Why does this website's team post other people's photography related videos and pass them off as their own content?

Agreed its irritating to have to click going "ooh, cool new article" then its just this dude passing off this stuff

You can see they’re videos when they have a play button on the home page.

Having two grandsons in college baseball, I plan on reviewing the video several time to get it set in my senior mind.