There are several tools out on the market for filmmakers to help improve your video with smoother motion throughout the film. One popular choice is the camera slider. There’s no doubt you have seen a smooth camera motion from the result of a camera slider before. If this is your first time using one, camera slider marker Rhino has released a video with five tips just for you to help you get started.
To start off, the first tip is one of the most important one in my opinion. You need a good solid tripod that is able to support the slider and the camera when it slides across. As shown, you don’t want your setup to topple over in the middle of your shot. Next up is a good ball head to go between your camera and slide since most do not come with ¼”-20. I didn't not know this when I first got my slider and tried to use it. The ball head they recommend is the Manfrotto 469RC2, and don't forget to make sure your camera is level.
Now that your camera is set up with the slider and ready to go, the next tip is all about movement. When moving your camera, move with your body and not just your arms for smoother motion.
The next two tips are about producing better and more interesting video. Using a foreground object to move around make for a better shot. Last tip is to not over use the slider, which I have seen some people do. Slider movement is more impactful and better in moderation. I have seen some videos where a certain technique is used for every shot, sliding into a subject over and over and over. The first couples of times it's OK, but after watching the same movement continue I tend to lose interest, and I am probably not the only one.
Keep these tips in mind for when you are ready to use your new slider. If you have some experience in using your slider and have any extra tips, comment below.