Howdy and welcome to the Wednesday Rundown. This week we have a great group of videos. We have a BTS video on shooting hockey legend Trevor Linden and an amazing Vanity Fair shoot done on a whim in the middle of a NYC street. Check out the final product on both these shoots and see if you can learn something from these great photographers. If you have a video that you think we might like to post, please click on "submit content" above.
Hockey Legend Shoot:
Dave Hamilton shows us how he light and shot hockey legend Trevor Linden. Dave breaks down his lighting and walks us through his shoot. Great video to check out. Dave Hamilton Photography: Trevor Linden from Jon Silverberg on Vimeo. Jewelry Shoot: Graham shows us the basics of shooting jewelry. I have seen countless ways on shooting rings for weddings, but this is a good video for some people that are shooting with large studio lights. Check out that flash light he uses for just a little hard light.
Vanity Fair:
A look behind the scenes with Vanity Fair photographer Timothy White. He gives us his a look inside his mind as he is shown shooting several different Vanity Fair editorals.
Vanity Fair, The Hollywood Issue 2012 from Timothy White Photography on Vimeo.
India Shoot:
A simply stunning fashion shoot with India as it's backdrop. From the video and simages it apperas as this shoot was done with all natural light.
The video is disabled on embedding so hit the link to check it out.
First one, my take away: doesn't matters HOw it is, just suggest things. They might actually do it!!!
The second one is soooo bad I didn't watch it all the way. What's with the horrible early 2000 techno??? very annoying!
india shot is down... do you have an alternate location ?
Just go to the video on Vimeo. They have hosting on other sites disabled for it, but it's still up.
Hate to be picky, but one thing that really bugs me with the jewelry shots is the reflections on the rings.. You can see the whole room, camera, octa everything, even the photographer in one of them. A bit of a turn-off to an otherwise great image.