I'm just starting to look into adding drone photography to my commercial photography services, so I've been trying to learn as much as I can about it when I have the time. Quick videos like this one usually teach me a thing or two, and they don't take long to watch. I'm all about learning something new while eating breakfast, editing photos, or even folding socks.
In this video shot in partnership with B&H, James Shooter talks about six tips for getting better drone photos and videos. Most of the tips are pretty basic, even for a novice like me, such as watching out for wind and rain and remembering your rules of composition. But if you're just starting out, there might be something there for you. One thing I wouldn't have thought of that I got out of this video was about how if you shoot with the sun directly behind the drone, you can get halo effects in your images; not a big of a deal for stills where you can clone it out, but for videos it might be a dealbreaker. Even that one little tip made it worth the three minutes and some change.
Keep learning!