Astrophotography With the Canon R5: How Does it Perform?

The new Canon mirrorless which has caused such a stir for photographers in all genres. One of which, is astrophotography, so how does it perform?

As soon as I saw astrophotography and the Canon R5 mentioned in the same sentence, I had the same question many would have: will it overheat? This reported issues of overheating while shooting in 8K, for example, have been widespread and astrophotography can be taxing. You will often be taking a lot of long exposures and if you create a time-lapse, that could go on for hours. Fortunately, Brent Hall didn't encounter any issues at all with heat, so all that was left to do was see how it performed with image quality.

The final images Hall edits are great, have low noise, good contrast, and are sharp throughout. There are a few unwanted effects, but nothing uncommon or difficult to fix and in general I was impressed with the results. The large sensor certainly does give you some flex that previous Canon cameras — like the 5D Mark IV that Hall compares the R5 to — don't have. If I primarily shot astrophotography I'm not sure the upgrade would be quite warranted, but it's certainly a strong option if you were already looking to change bodies.

What do you make of the R5 for astrophotography?

Rob Baggs's picture

Robert K Baggs is a professional portrait and commercial photographer, educator, and consultant from England. Robert has a First-Class degree in Philosophy and a Master's by Research. In 2015 Robert's work on plagiarism in photography was published as part of several universities' photography degree syllabuses.

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Is the Sky a little whiter in Mk4 than in R5?
If that is true it looks like R5 is about ~0.2 stop less sensitive than Mk4...

I've actually seen this 2/3 underexposure of the R5 in quite a few images and reviews.