Hey Fstoppers, this is Kanye West. I was gonna let the media finish but I heard everyone loved my photo so much that they wanted me to show how I edited it. I mean, it took four days and once we got the flowers the right color, I definitely think that I surpassed Annie Leibovitz's work and I could break into the wedding photography business.
First, we had to track down a photographer who didn't mind if we edited their photos. I mean, Kim wanted to throw some instagram filters all up on that biznass and every photographer we contacted said they were booked. I mean, I'm Kanye West, why don't they just cancel their weddings and shoot mine. Shiiit. But then we found Conor McDonnell. He was totally fine with working for exposure and handing us over the files.
After the wedding I decided to download photoshop to edit the wedding photo. It was our honeymoon, but I was like, Kim you go to the spa and im'ma get this edit knocked out. Kim is extremely important to the internet, so we needed to get these babies up as soon as possible. I usually edit with GIMP, but I figured I'd use what Annie uses. I think photoshop is alright, but I think GIMP is a better program overall. I used the new thing they have called Creative Cloud. It was interesting. The first few days of my edit were dedicated to downloading the software since I was stealing off the starbucks wifi below my hotel. It took awhile but I finally got it up and running.
The main thing I wanted to do was to make sure Kim's butt looked good. I mean she just had a baby and all, so it was a little bit bigger than it usually is. So I did some research on how to edit women's butts and watched some really informative videos on how to do something called liquify. It's a touchy tool but after I was able to get her down to her 24 year old butt, I decided to do my own as well.
I had a little bit of a tough time with the colors of the flowers and our skin tones. I wanted to make the flowers pop but it kept turning us purple. So after I figured that out, the rest was cake. I made sure to listen to the best editing music I could, so I pulled up my youtube channel. I really hope you like my edit. As a result I launched my photography business, check it out at kanyewestphotography.com
(Before edit is speculation. All views in this article are speculated and are in turn not meant to deface the value of anyone's work. We don't have the full story and did not think it was right to run something that nobody has actual backstory on. So instead, you get this. -Sarah)
Stop posting this foolishness and get back to posting behind the scene videos. No more post that we can find on every other blog!
Did you even read this post?
u should reply him with: "why so serious?"
You mean there are other blogs pretending to be Kanye West too?! Copycats.
Avoid clicking on posts you do not want to read.
There's this new thing out you might not have heard of, its crazy but get ready, its called "humor". Now, by definition, "noun: the quality of being amusing or comic, especially as expressed in literature or speech." This apparently seems like a new concept to you but ill break it down the best I can. You see, when you approach such things that have this humor attached with it, sometimes your bodies involuntarily does this thing called a laugh or even a chuckle (might make a "HA" sound). It makes you feel good, releases endorphins and also makes you enjoyable to be around. But instead for some reason your body and life choices have allowed you to do the opposite (see a Doctor). I suggest watching cat videos two hours a day till that stick has been removed.
"Kim wanted to throw some instagram filters all up on that biznass"... hahah, that's awesome.
And the MVP [Most Valuable Post] of the month goes to.....
This is amazing!
I love that he took some time during the tute to look at pictures of himself, and it love that he entered "Kanye" a few times in the reddit "captcha" area. Lol
Totally my favorite part.
I like how KanyeShop stops in the middle of the video and looks at pictures of himself on the internet for a while.
"The main thing I wanted to do was to make sure Kim’s butt looked good. I mean she just had a baby and all, so it was a little bit bigger than it usually is. So I did some research on how to edit women’s butts and watched some really informative videos on how to do something called liquify. It’s a touchy tool but after I was able to get her down to her 24 year old butt, I decided to do my own as well." <~~ best paragraph ever.
He was totally fine with working for exposure and handing us over the files. http://sn.im/290xdj8
I had to hit MUTE on my speakers!
Wait, who's Kanye West?
Is this a spam post? what the hell is this??
Should've used Lightroom, dude. Would've gotten it done a lot quicker on your honeymoon! ha
"why are tutorial people annoying" haha funny google
the only thing he has done is shave 4 inches off her bum! the rest is no real difference. what a waste of time as they will be filing for a divorce in 6 months time - so sad.
HAHAHA better then Annie that is such a laugh!
So awesome. Best video award.
this was hilarious! you should also check out these: http://dailydot.tumblr.com/post/89376029050/submission-from-noel-chenier...
what did we do without the internet?