10 Habits to Kick off a Great Year for You and Your Business

It's that time of the year to reflect on the progress you have made so far and to start jotting down your goals and dreams for the next year and beyond. What little changes can you make to improve your business and your overall satisfaction and productivity?

Forget Christmas shopping lists for a moment, because it's time for us to start thinking about how we wish to spend our next year and what steps we have to take to achieve what we're reaching for. No doubt many of us will make new year resolutions, which may or may not be successful, but why don't you start applying a few simple techniques to your personal and business life already to slowly alter your mindset and help you achieve those goals? 

It's one thing to dream big and have beautifully designed visual boards full of our wildest desires in life, but the reality is that we have to make practical changes in our lifestyle, and they can be hard work, but it's these little steps we take in our daily routine that help us work smarter not harder, be more determined, ambitious, and also provide us with much needed relaxation.

This is exactly what Erin May Henry, a YouTube and Business mentor, explains in detail in one of her latest videos to help you prepare yourself and your business for the next year and beyond. Her 10 simple but effective habits cover both business and well-being. I know I definitely need to revisit my goals and be more proactive in improving my work and life balance. What changes will you consider for yourself and your business? Have you got any other simple tips you can share with the rest of us?

Anete Lusina's picture

Anete Lusina is a photographer based in West Yorkshire, UK. You'll either find her shooting weddings, documentary, or street photography across the U.K. and Europe, or perhaps doing the occasional conceptual shoot.

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Love it, reading my thoughts and words in her video. Pushing boundaries, improving on a daily basis, small changes, small interactions, pushing limits.

END : Effort Never Dies
FAIL : First Attempt In Learning
NO : Next Opportunity

Good start is Simon Sinek to find your Why, once that's done, it's pursuing with a bit of PNL (tony robbins style or other), and seriously it's a damn booster.

Good luck everyone, on my end i'm on my path, or at least tackling it day by day a bit more, and seeing what i'm doing wrong now (and sometimes just admitting to myself i'm screwing up and still doing it...) but at least i'm not blaming others for not having the things I want, I blame myself for it, it's clear finally :D

I make a resolution not to make resolutions.