How to Get Bookings From Your Photography Website

How to Get Bookings From Your Photography Website

Most clients today look at a digital portfolio rather than a printed book. Granted, the higher up the ladder you go, the more it leads toward print, but for the vast majority of us trying to make a living from photography, digital is king. Here are some tips on how to get bookings from your website. 

Make Your Work the First Thing You See

It probably sounds really obvious, but you shouldn’t have to click anything to see your work. After all, this is the reason for having a portfolio online. If a client is looking for a photographer, they probably have 10 tabs open; if it's a pain to find your work, they will just close your tab. There are plenty of photographers out there with fast and easy to navigate websites. 

The About Section

This is an area that you are more likely to lose clients from than you are to gain them. By the time someone has got to your about section, they have already decided that they like your work. I do a lot of portfolio reviews and end up looking at a lot of photographers' websites as a byproduct of this. Here are some helpful dos and don'ts:


  • Include where you are based. 
  • Talk about who you have worked with in the past. 
  • Show your personality. You need to demonstrate to people that you are enjoyable to work with while remaining professional. 

Do Not

  • Tell people how old you are. It will only ever work against you (on both ends of the scale). 
  • Avoid mentioning how many years you have been a professional photographer (unless over 20 years).
  • Talk about what camera you have: no one cares and it shows that you are more into your gear than your craft.
  • Using the term “award-winning photographer" unless you have won an award of merit. Most creative directors will see straight through some Internet award or small local victory and it will work against you. 

Image Size Versus Load speed

In one of the early website builds I had, I insisted on really large image sizes because I wanted my clients to see my work at the highest possible resolution. It turns out they really don’t care about sharpness, clarity, resolution, or any other technical specs that we photographers care about. What they are interested in is a fast website where they can see all of your work easily. Now, this may differ for those selling prints, but in the commercial world, I would always go for load speed over large image size. 

Make It Easy to Connect

Any blog post with a call to action should have a contact form or contact details at the end of it. We have all got a bit lazy on this front with the advent of Instagram and "contact details in profile," but clients are far more likely to contact you when your details are right in front of them. Having a contact page that's easy to find is also really important. On mine, I have my mobile number (should anyone be lost on their way to the studio), my agent's email address and number, and well as my studios' address. 


There are people who need to list prices and those who do not. You need to know which camp you sit in. As a general guideline, if you start saying “Prices from SSS,” then don’t list them. Everyone will want their extravagant shoot to be produced on your minimum fee. If you are working with a range of clients from local businesses who can only afford $500 through to major clients paying $10,000+ a shoot, it’s best to wait for the client to contact you. 

However, if you are selling prints at set prices, wedding packages that do not deviate, or portrait sittings with a fixed style and set deliverables, I think that listing your prices can be a good way to stop time wasters from contacting you. For example, I do not list my shooting costs as the production fees vary so widely, but I do list my studio rental costs as it is a set product that does not deviate. 

Of course, my website is a constant work in progress. What are your top tips for creating an engaging commercial photographer's website? Share your site below.

Scott Choucino's picture

Food Photographer from the UK. Not at all tech savvy and knows very little about gear news and rumours.

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Good post. I need to rethink my site and make some adjustments

I've just recently done an overhaul of my website, and many of the tips you gave above are are things I found out the hard way! It's especially difficult finding the optimal size where I'm happy with the quality and the site loads quickly. For me, it's still a work in progress. Great article, I'm going to continue tweaking with this advice!

If anyone could spare a minute, I'd love some feedback on how it is currently:

Hi Colton. The images look great. There does seem to be a loading issue though. Clicking the word portfolio seemed unresponsive, clicking on "creative portfolio" is also unresponsive. Yet, when you click on the next one down it does load up a portfolio. It might be worth making those images no more than 1000px and 72DPI as it was pretty slow going load wise.

Thanks for the reply, Scott! I appreciate the article and the additional tips, I'll try those image settings.

Loved the nature images. Load times for the gallery seemed fine for me but clicking an individual image was a bit slower. I also felt like the dark borders around the images and galleries made it feel claustrophobic if that makes any sense. i think a lighter color might make them pop out more.

I'm a fan of dark colors, but I see what you're saying. I'll try playing with lighter colors to see if that helps.

I would also use the JPEGmini tool. Super good thing to have for your website. Reduces the file sizes for all your images on the website without too much quality loss.

Good idea, I've heard of JPEGmini but forgot about it. I'll try it out.

Super helpful post. I’ve really been ignoring my website because I just don’t know how to make it work for me, don’t even get me started on SEO. Definitely need to adjust a few things based on these tips!

My website is if anyone is interested!

If its wordpress, use YOAST to help with the SEO. Quick tip having had a quick look, name your images with a meaningful name rather than IMG_6384. The site looks visually great though!

Agreed about the page looking good. Lots of visual interest, Joe!

Would love to get your advice/opinion 😎

Looks great Max. If you want to show up on google it would be worth adding an SEO heavy about page and a blog too, if not then it looks spot on!

Dear Scott, thank you for your advice and great article! If you can give me a hint how to add SEO, it would be great because I don't really good in it :)
Thank You!

Great article Scott. I'd also ad put more time into filling out all the possible SEO and text fields as this will make a huge difference.

My site is made with rapid weaver a mac only program. The text on the home page can be hidden. The site is i added contact info at the top of each page, Contact page has social media links.
Great article by the way.

Cool work William. I would hide that text at the top as I originally thought the website wasn't working correctly. but once I got to the images it made a lot more sense (compared to what I am used to seeing).

The only thing I miss about Mac is RapidWeaver! What a great program that is. I'd pay twice for a Windows version.

Nice post Scott. I've just redone my site. Moved away from full page images and onto a tiled approach. Once I moved to a 4k monitor the full page images looked soft so that' another reason to go tile and have the images as pop outs. As for the about section....That's a work in progress!

If you've a spare moment you can look at it here Would love to know your thoughts!

Looks great Tom. I am a big fan of the tile approach as it mimics Instagram, most people like that layout. You need to have a look at your about section though as there are some typos in it.

Thanks for the head up Scott. The whole about section is a bit of a headache!

Well done and some valuable, implementable thoughts.

This is really great information. I have recently been working to revamp my website for both better gallery speed and SEO. Any feedback you could give would be great!

Good info on there and great to specialise. I would go through the portfolio though and cut it down a bit as some images are a lot stronger than others :)

Tom mac good site

Thanks William!

What a useful article and the only regret is that it is not longer. As a UK based wedding and events photographer, I am constantly tweaking my website, so I certainly can relate to that last paragraph about 'work in progress!'

My plan is to rework my website over the next few months, but every time I start I revert back because my changes I don't end up liking more than what I currently have.

Feedback is appreciated: :)

Few quick tips. 1 is to have a gallery rather than images on a page. When you click on them they open at a high res as a full screen, but then you have to go back a page to see the next one. When looking for a photographer , I would just ditch that page as its too many clicks for a simple process.

Apart from that, I think you need 3 websites.
1 for weddings
1 for commercial
1 for boudoir

I think having the three together will put off clients from all three categories

Thanks for the feedback. I'm trying to make a site that is more functional for viewing for sure, a gallery, as you put it.
Three websites isn't feasible for me right now, financially, with hosting and everything...but something to look at :)


I'd love some feedback on my website.

The site looks great. I would remove the hits counter on all pages (saw it on your about page) as its very dated. Apart from that, just make the header banner smaller and less busy. Looks ace!

Any time I read a post explaining what a website should be/not be, or have/not have, I always ask: how do you know? One of the difficulties of making decisions in this area is that we are all a case study of one.This makes it almost impossible to make generalizations, because there simply isn't enough data and that data is all anecdotal. You may have a website and you may be successful, but drawing a connection between your success and certain aspects of your site is impossible without more data. Even when clients tell you what they liked about the site, it's still too small of a sample.And it's heavily biased because it's possible that there are twice as many that hated it, but you would never hear from them.

For example you say: 'It turns out they really don’t care about sharpness, clarity, resolution, or any other technical specs that we photographers care about.' Did you do a blind study to really determine this, or is this anecdotal? Are you sure there are not a ton of clients that DO care, but you don't hear from them? One of the tests I use when I encounter advice that sounds good (as yours does) but is unsupported (as yours also is) is to rewrite it to say the opposite and ask myself if it sounds just as plausible. For instance had you instead written, "Clients need to know that you can deliver clear, sharp results of a high technical caliber", that would sound just as good. People would still be congratulating you on great advice. But how do we know which is right?

Also, you must know the first thing many of us will do is go to your website where we learn you '…have been a headshot photographer in Leicester for 6 years' ( and that you use 'the Prince2 Project Management protocol', which is not much different than telling them what gear you use.

And there is more to a fast site than image size. Your main page, for example, loads 69 javascript files and 34 css files! That's a LOT for such a simple page. And it's one of the reasons Google PageSpeed insights gives you a very low score of 21.

None of this is to say you are wrong — I think your site is good (if a little slow) and your work is terrific. I just think that we should view advice like this with healthy skepticism.

I've recently reworked my website by taking images down and making it more concise, in addition to, optimizing my filenames, keywords, metadata, and file size. I was using the tile format for a while but felt as if some images were overlooked due to the small thumbnail. Would love to have some feedback from the community!

Looks really good Derek, I love the slider with the short portfolios. Great work too!

Really appreciate the kind words!

Interesting and short post, I think this came at the right time cos I'm currently building my website and i will greatly appreciate if anyone take a look and offer review. Thanks

I think your image sizes may be too big as loading speed is very slow. Apart from that, it looks pretty smart