Our friends over at GuruShots, "The World’s Greatest Photo Game,” recently offered a challenge where particpants submitted their best images "Lit by Twilight." There were thousands of entries and 39.4 million votes throughout the contest but the top winners have been chose. See who won as well as the 100 top rated images below.
GuruShots is a wonderful community for people who love photography and want to share their images with others. They hosts hundreds of themed challenges and offer a wide range of prizes, turning photo sharing into a fun game for all those who participate. The best part is that it's free to join. Simply visit www.gurushots.com to start sharing your work.

Ellen Preuss, Russia - Top Photographer

Eva Wiedemann, Austria - Top Photo

Ronny Randen, Norway - Guru's Top Pick
Most of these are good photos.
I wonder if anyone else has the same impression I have, which is that many landscape photos seem to be edited in post using the same techniques. The result is that so many of them look alike in terms of tone and exposure. The effect is repetitious.
I kind of get that feeling as well.
Hallo together, my picture is one of those above, and you can be sure, my one has not been edited. :-)
Many Thanks for selection! visit my portal: www.christianbrogi.it
GuruShots is a pay2win photo site where money and strategy win over photo quality.