There are tons of photography competitions out there, but not all are equal. In the wedding industry, I’ve found that the Junebug competitions always showcase some of the most inspiring, creative, and beautiful work out there. While the wedding season is about to start, the engagement one is coming to an end for many photographers. So it’s time to start picking your best shots and see if you have what it takes to have your work in the best of the best engagement selection of 2017!
Junebug weddings is a source of inspiration for many brides and grooms out there, and not just in the US. I’ve heard quite a few couples here in Switzerland tell me how they love what they’ve seen on the website. Junebug aims to be one of the most exclusive wedding vendors lists available. Thus carefully choosing the photographers that are showcased. They organize three photo contest every year: engagement, wedding, and destination. Each competition is a chance to be featured on their website and obtain the bragging rights to say you have won one of the most exclusive wedding photography competitions.
Most importantly, photography competitions are a way to grow. By submitting your work, you force yourself to judge and critique your own pictures to pick and send only the best ones. Then, if you are not amongst the finalists, comparing your work to what’s been chosen is an incredible chance to learn and improve: try and see what others have done that you haven’t, find out what you are missing to be on that top international level. To enter the competition, head over to Junebug weddings website and submit your entries before April 26th. Good luck to everyone participating!
I’d love to hear what competitions you enter if you do and which one you like best. If you have never entered a photo contest, I’m curious to hear why, what’s holding you back. Leave your comments below.