10 Helpful Photoshop Tricks and Techniques for Editing Portraits

There are tons and tons of techniques and tricks for editing portraits in Photoshop depending on what you shoot, your aesthetic preferences, and more. This helpful video will show you 10 subtle techniques that can add up to big differences in your portrait edits.

Coming to you from Irene Rudnyk, this great video shows 10 tricks and techniques she uses in her portrait edits. Whenever you're doing things like stretching limbs or liquefying shoulders (or most any editing involving people), it's crucial to remember that subtlety is the name of the game. It's very easy to go too far with these edits, so be sure to step away, then take a second look at the image before you export it. Another tip is that when you're using the color selector to select a skin tone to paint in, try changing the sample size to 5 by 5 or 11 by 11 average. When you're using point sample, it's easy to click a pore or small blemish and get the wrong color; choosing an average will even that out automatically. Check out the video above for lots of great techniques! 

Alex Cooke's picture

Alex Cooke is a Cleveland-based portrait, events, and landscape photographer. He holds an M.S. in Applied Mathematics and a doctorate in Music Composition. He is also an avid equestrian.

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Inspiring tricks, even if I know them all, videos like that keeps me inspired to try something again and again :) Thanks for sharing!

Useful to know how other photographers conduct out their business,thank you