How to Find Good Photos in Bad Locations

Finding moments of artistry in unwelcoming environments is a worthwhile challenge. 

Coming to you from Andrew Lanxon Photography, this insightful video showcases the potential for artistic street photography in the unlikely setting of a bustling tech conference in Barcelona. Lanxon, having covered this event for 11 years, brings a unique perspective. He ventures beyond the typical product shots to seek out moments of genuine human interaction and artistic expression. This approach emphasizes the importance of looking beyond the obvious and finding beauty in unexpected places.

At the conference, Lanxon discovers that the busy, corporate atmosphere presents unique opportunities for street photography. The contrast of light and shadow under a bridge creates striking compositions. He captures individuals in isolated moments, offering a contemplative view amidst the bustling crowd. These shots reveal the human element often overlooked in such environments. By focusing on these moments, Lanxon demonstrates how you can find artistic inspiration anywhere, even in the most uninspiring settings.

Lanxon’s candid approach to street photography is not without challenges. The constant movement and crowded spaces make it difficult to isolate subjects. However, his persistence pays off as he captures compelling images using creative techniques. By experimenting with slow shutter speeds and motion blur, he adds a dynamic element to his photos. This creativity is key in transforming mundane scenes into artistic expressions. 

Lanxon’s goal is modest yet significant: to capture five artistic photos that transcend the typical conference imagery. This realistic target drives him to find and create beauty amidst the chaos. His determination and creative techniques prove that even in a tech conference, one can produce meaningful and artistic photographs. Check out the video above for the full rundown from Lanxon.

Alex Cooke's picture

Alex Cooke is a Cleveland-based portrait, events, and landscape photographer. He holds an M.S. in Applied Mathematics and a doctorate in Music Composition. He is also an avid equestrian.

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