How to Use V-Flats to Shape and Subtract Light

When you think about crafting a lighting setup, you probably think about it from the standpoint of adding light. However, as important as it is to know where to add light, it is just as important to understand when and how to take away light to better shape your subject. This excellent video will show you three lighting setups using the black side of v-flats.

Coming to you from V-Flat World, this great video will show you three lighting setups using the dark side of v-flats. V-flats are so tremendously useful because they allow you to reflect or suppress and shape light with ease and can even function as a backdrop if so desired. Nonetheless, where it is common to think of how to use the white side to reflect and add light where needed, v-flats can be used to subtract light, which is particularly important when you want to add depth to a portrait, create more drama, or accentuate features like the jawline. These can make it far easier and convenient to shape light even when you are shooting with only one instead of resorting to more complicated and expensive setups. Check out the video above for the full rundown. 

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Alex Cooke is a Cleveland-based portrait, events, and landscape photographer. He holds an M.S. in Applied Mathematics and a doctorate in Music Composition. He is also an avid equestrian.

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The term for the results of subtracting light is "negative fill," which is favorite lighting term.

I had good results using V-flats some years ago and I like the idea of the folding set this company sells, but the photos in this example did not depend at all on the use of the V-flat.