Simple One-Light Setups for Fantastic Portraits

Understanding how to effectively use lighting is crucial for capturing high-quality images in any setting, especially in small spaces, which is why one-light options are particularly useful. 

Coming to you from Jiggie Alejandrino, this detailed video walks you through a simple yet powerful one-light setup. Alejandrino explains how he uses the light to mimic natural window light, a technique he considers essential. This approach allows for versatility in different shooting conditions, enabling you to create consistent, beautiful lighting regardless of the ambient light available.

Alejandrino emphasizes the importance of this setup by demonstrating its adaptability. He uses a shoot-through umbrella to diffuse the light, enhancing its softness. This setup is practical because it can be replicated in various environments, making it a go-to solution for different types of portraits. Alejandrino also shows how adding a simple foam board as a reflector can help manage shadows and contrast, adding depth and dimension to the subject.

The video highlights the practicality of the equipment used. Alejandrino employs a portable backdrop, which can be set up quickly to create a clean background. This is particularly useful if you don't have access to a white wall. He provides exact measurements for positioning the light, backdrop, and subject, ensuring you can replicate the setup accurately.

Alejandrino also discusses his camera settings. Using a fast shutter speed to minimize ambient light, he sets his camera to ISO 100 and adjusts the white balance to match the light source. These settings help achieve a clean, professional look, even in a home studio setup. Check out the video above for the full rundown from Alejandrino.

If you would like to continue learning about how to light a portrait, be sure to check out "Illuminating The Face: Lighting for Headshots and Portraits With Peter Hurley!"

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Alex Cooke is a Cleveland-based portrait, events, and landscape photographer. He holds an M.S. in Applied Mathematics and a doctorate in Music Composition. He is also an avid equestrian.

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