Environmental portraits are a fantastic chance to show off your creativity and to tell a compelling story about your subject. This fantastic video will give you lots of helpful tips to improve your environmental portraits.
Coming to you from Karl Taylor, this excellent video will give you a range of helpful tips for environmental portraits. Of the tips, one of the simplest but perhaps most overlooked is the fact you should not be afraid to rearrange the set to suit your needs and creative direction. It can be easy to be focused on the subject and perhaps afraid to rearrange things to make for a more compelling portrait or to simply make your job easier, but often, simply moving a couch or the like can make all the difference. That being said, if you are unfamiliar with the environment or new to it, you should ask for permission or help before you start moving things, but of course, your subject can provide proper guidance for that. Personally, I really love environmental portraits and the stories they can tell, and they can present fantastic technical challenges and really inspire your creativity. Check out the video above for the full rundown from Taylor.
Great video, thanks. I can see the "Linkedin" style headshot on plain background going away quickly in favor of environmental portraits that seem less staged and more candid. I did those plain headshots for a couple years and just stopped the business completely because it was so boring as a photographer, but have struggled in finding the clientele that will pay for the increased pricing of environmental shots.
7 minutes in and still no real content... TL;DR