As photographers, we might spend our entire lives behind the camera without ever experiencing what it is really like to be the one in front of it. This fun and interesting video follows a photographer and model as they switch roles to see just how difficult life is on opposite sides of the camera.
Coming to you from Manny and Diana Ortiz, this great video follows them on a shoot in which Manny hands the camera over to Diana and she photographs him modeling. I've always thought it's important to try as many things as you can in life simply to understand what other people have to deal with so you can be a better colleague, friend, etc. My modeling career (which lasted all of 10 minutes) was a similar situation: I was asked to step in front of the camera after the client realized they also needed a few shots of a male model for a line of clothing. To say I had no idea what to do with myself would be an understatement: every picture looked like someone had just given me a lemon slice to suck on and I had also recently seen a ghost. It definitely gave me a new appreciation for just how hard a model's job is. It was also fun to see what life was like in front of the camera. Check out the video above to see how it went for Manny and Diana.
They are extremely cute couple that I've casually watched on occasion the last 3-4 years. I know they have a video about it, but it's incredible to me the dimes Manny constantly shoots while maintaining a marriage. Women are women, and Diana must struggle internally with it, but $$$ reigns supreme I suppose.
And this is why photographers get a bad rap... first off calling professional models or clients"dimes".... they are people believe it or not..... and at the end of the day this is a job for Manny not a hobby or interest to help him get laid.... business is business. Diana obviously understands that working with women is part of the work. This would be like saying because your spouse works at an all male corporate office with "attractive men" that it must be a struggle internally for her husband.... Be professional...
Interesting replies considering they made a video about it. I made no attempt to suggest Manny uses photography as a hookup method. Comprehension > you. Oh no..."dimes". I hope none of those "clients" are reading this.
wow.... the fact that you do not see the issue with calling his clients "dimes" is one of the reasons the world is in the state it is in..... Weather the couple made a different video about the subject of a male working predominantly with females for his work is probably more so to emphasize the fact to BE PROFESSIONAL and god forbid decent AND NOT CREEPY!
If you feel vocabulary and commenting on "her internal struggle" because "women are women" well I am sure you didn't get the point of that message clearly.
Married here and regurlarly shoot women including nudes. My wife would prefer I shoot inanimate objects but she trusts me. I never attempted to flirt with a model even when I was single. I seperate my personal life and photography as much as possible.
if you ever wonder why women find you repellent, this is why.
Women are people, with the same kinds of feelings that men have. They aren't a different species. Perhaps if SOME men stopped thinking of women as "females" (gender more important than humanity) or as some weird species that has different motivations than men have, they'd have fewer problems.One thing that I appreciate about the younger generations of men (I'm 66 yrs old) is that they are more open to seeing women as real people.
Cute! She's so funny playing her role perfectly. And you can think of the one or the other behaviour for yourself.