Critique the Community

Your Logo on Your Best Image

With Mike Kelley
Submit your logo on your best image for a chance to win a free Fstoppers tutorial.
  • Submission Deadline: Sat, 30 Jun 18 03:45:00 +0000

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Community Avg
3.06 - "Solid" 

I've struggled quite a bit to put together a somewhat decent logo, and well, I'm still far from happy with this version. But I'd like to hear your thoughts on it.
A problem I have with this particular application of the watermark is that it creates a slight imbalance (the left side is too "heavy").

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I think the balance issue is specific to this only because there is indeed more mountain and foreground on the left.

I like the transparent dark vs white a lot. Have you considered putting the LB on the right of the type? A thin horizontal graphic may seem less heavy.

Warning, cant un-see it: The L "going into" the B could be conceived as a little "inappropriate" – just sayin'...

Hi Jesse, thanks for your opinion! Yeah, I agree that most images aren't that sensitve balance-wise. Even without the watermark the shot is possibly a little left-heavy, although the right rock with the trees on it does help a lot for me. The watermark just sort of tips it over the edge. I haven't tried putting the LB on the right, but defenitely will now!

I hadn't noticed the L into the B thing at all so far, and I'm glad you pointed it out. Although I don't really notice it as long as I'm not actively trying to make it dirty.

If anyone else thinks the LB thing might not be a good idea please give Jesse's comment a like. Thanks for the feedback!

I don't think the L going into the B is the problem but that dot under the L just looks unmistakable. You should eliminate the separation between the dot and B, then it should be ok.

Yeah I immediately went there too...

I think it might be how the end of the L is rounded... as it "fits inside" the bottom of the B. 0.02¢ from a subconscious perv. ;)