Critique the Community

Real Estate Photography

Submit your best real estate image for a chance to win a free Fstoppers tutorial.
  • Submission Deadline: Wed, 24 Jul 19 03:45:00 +0000

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1.31 - "Snap Shot" 
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It feels like a snapshot, lighting is weird, everything is out of focus, the people inside make it look bad. Think more about the preparation and on lighting, the location has a potential. Keep it up!

Add to this that the framing is not symmetrical, the highlights are blown-out and there is a weird crop. I hope I'm not hurting your feelings with the critique I'm giving you. Critique of our work make us better.. Sorry in advance if I made you feel bad.

I'm not really sure what's going on here. It feels like a handheld snap given the people in the frame, composition issues, and the soft focus. I'm guessing this is a public space and the aperture was set wide open to compensate for lack of light?

I feel I have just slipped over on the marble floor, banged my head, and this is what I see when I come to.. Same points as the above I'm afraid..

I really like the space, but the photo should represent it faithfully. Get a tripod, spend all the time you need getting your camera perfectly level and then dead center on those stairs. It's probably not practical to artificially light the space, so doing something like a 5-bracket HDR could work to expose for the windows and interiors properly. Maybe not ideal, but better than a single exposure could get you. And finally: verticals, verticals, verticals.