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RGB Color

Submit Your Best "RGB Lit" Images
  • Submission Deadline: Fri, 13 Nov 20 06:00:00 +0000

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3.41 - "Solid" 

One of my amazingly talented makeup artist has a little concoction she creates using gold paint and oil.

We painted the model head to toe in this gold paint and then I lit her with 3 lights.

Red gel on the left, yellow gel on the right and behind the model and a blue gel to the right at the front.

I shot her in front of the this dark grey rendered wall that I have in my studio and that really added to the over all tones of the image.

I wanted to create a statuesque type pose very similar to the art nouveau pieces from the 1920's and to add a bit more to the art nouveau type of design, I created the gold circle in post.

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1 Comment

What a great shot! My only feedback is I would retouch the crack in the seamless on the bottom near her calves, as it is distracting from the rest of the image. If you ever need a retoucher feel free to message me!