Critique the Community

Product Photography

Submit your best Product Photo
  • Submission Deadline: Tue, 30 Nov 21 17:00:00 +0000

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Community Avg
2.45 - "Needs Work" 

This image was taken for the Re-Fream project in Berlin.
I used a combination of photography and 3D rendering (background) to compliment the dress and also to strengthen the mood and style.

"The research reflects on how design can change the way we want, wear, and discard fashion. This modular Second Skins garment system combines adaptive parts which create a personal light symphony. Its composition responds to the aesthetic need for novelty, for interaction, and for standing out."

Concept & Art Director: Malou Beemer
Photography, Retouch & 3D Rendering: my self
MUA: Esther de Graaff
Model: Danielle Kroon

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This is solid work. Not sure why the image is getting so many two stars. But this is Fstoppers, the land of low rating of images.

Perhaps it's about the wrinkles in the cloth, with a little photoshop those goes away, and the pose might be a bit too "relaxed", lightning in the hair and the bottom part of the dress could perhaps be lifted a bit. But otherwise I love the background and the toning and lightning of the subject overall!