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Landscape Photography

Win $1000 In Our Biggest Photo Contest Yet!
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2.48 - "Needs Work" 

Taken at Porlock Marsh near Minehead, Somerset, England just after high tide around 9pm. This group of petrified trees has interested me for a while but needs the right combination of high tide at 10m plus and a good sunset to make the picture. This area floods completely needing you to stand on a small, raised bank with your tripod and a good pair of waders as you will be standing in water.

The flooding was caused by a very high tide along with a storm in 1996 which breached the sea defences and flooded what was grazing land. This has been left to revert to salt marsh.

Getting here needed a one mile walk along the beach and a two mile return trip along a road as by this time your original path is now under water.

Camera was my Fuji GFX50R with the 32-64mm lens @ 32mm. Exposure was 4s at f4. I chose a long exposure to smooth out the water as it flowed in, and because at this point it was very dark!

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