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Landscape Photography

Win $1000 In Our Biggest Photo Contest Yet!
  • Submission Deadline: Tue, 31 Oct 23 03:45:00 +0000

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2.94 - "Solid" 

I saw storm clouds building up over the day, so I decided to follow them in hope to capture a few cool lightning strikes or cloud formations. As the day continued I was worried since I didnt catch anything yet, but shortly after I saw this little tree on a hill which amde the perfect foreground fore a storm building up behind it.

As the storm was quickly approaching I set up the camera to automatically take (long exposure) photos every few seconds while I waited in the car (for safety) until the storm had passed. All of a sudden there was a bright flash and I knew this was the shot I was waiting for. I packed up my things and left.

Taking a look at this image on a bigger screen I realized the lightning bolt wasn't really as bright as I hoped for, but nonetheless its stilly one fo my own personal favorites of this year!

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