Critique the Community

Landscape Photography

Win $1000 In Our Biggest Photo Contest Yet!
  • Submission Deadline: Tue, 31 Oct 23 03:45:00 +0000

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2.6 - "Solid" 

I already submitted this picture in another contest but it wasn't chosen. I took this in Gran Paradiso Park on the Italian Alps, I envisioned this picture before going there knowing that oddly enough there are not many night pictures of this place. So I tried the first night I was there but there was a huge cloud constantly in front of the Milky Way, so I took some pics but nothing good, then the second night planets aligned and there were perfect conditions. I started shooting at the blue hour to have a couple of pictures of the foreground that had barely enough light to see the mountains that would have been invisible otherwise, then 9 exposures for the light trails, and finally the Milky Way was in the right position for the last shot. I composited the picture in Photoshop using the brightest foreground picture to dodge the darkest one, then composited in the light trails and finally the Milky Way, the hardest part was trying to get a believable exposure for the foreground that made it look like it was at night but kept enough details

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