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Landscape Photography

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Community Avg
1.87 - "Needs Work" 

Trip to Japan this year back in April, went up Tokyo Skytree for sunset pics of the city and lucked out when the clouds cleared enough for the top of Mt Fuji to show up. Parked myself on a window facing south west for aorund 20 minutes and managed to get a couple shots with a decent view of the top. There were planes going through constantly and I think having one exiting the frame emphazises the scale of the mountain over the city.

It was very cloudy and the glass window was not super clear so out of camera it was a hazy blue-gryish mess, for processing I went a bit crazy on the white balance and dehazing, at different levels on the sky, mountain, and city, for this more dramatic look, which matched more what the sky looked like when facing the sunset, just a bit more dramatic/blade runner-y.

Taken at 200mm with the Nikon 70-200 F2.8 I bought used for a great price just 2 days prior, adapted to a Z6.

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