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Landscape Photography

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  • Submission Deadline: Tue, 31 Oct 23 03:45:00 +0000

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3.28 - "Solid" 

Image of Vestrahorn Iceland 29th December 2022.

Winter 2022/2023 was a very harsh winter and this image was taken after a snowstorm the day before. The ambient temperature is -20C but because of the clear sky and black sand, sun warming the sand more than the mountain, warmer air on the sand rising, cold air from the mountain replacing etc.. this caused a very high wind in excess of 100km/h blew over the sands and away from the mountain lasting about 5 minutes every 15 minutes or so. I was originally going to shoot a Canon 5D mkIV, but the camera got blown over on the tripod on one of the first winds (luckily not damaging the lens) but broke the back of the camera on the gravel to the point it no longer took images. Had to quickly run back to the car and get the backup camera.

The image is of the patterns of the snow and black sand in the dunes of Vestrahorn during these high winds towards the end of the day before the setting sun cast any shadows.

Shot on a Canon EOS Ra with a Sigma 14mm f1.8 DG Art, 1/8 Sec at f8.0 ISO 50 No Filters

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do you live there, or just a vacation?
Would love to go there one day

No I live in Singapore, just a vacation and will be back again this late December.
